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import java.util.Scanner;
public class optionMethods {
private static String dp = "%.2f";
/* Declaring the private global variable for decimal point precision and
initialising a default precision */
double result, result2, squareroot, calculation;
// Declaring the global variables used in both calculations
public static void setdp(String decp) {
// Creating the method for setting decimal point precision
dp = decp;
public static String getdp() {
// Creating the method for returning the decimal point precision
return dp;
public void accuracy() {
// Method for user to choose decimal point precision of equations in the program
int a;
Boolean validRange = false;
// Creating Boolean variable to be used for do-while loop condition
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
menu menu = new menu();
try {
// Creating try-catch block
do {
// Creating do-while loop
System.out.print("Please enter an integer between 1-5 to determine the decimal point precision: ");
a = input.nextInt();
if(a>0 && a < 6) {
// If statement used to validate user input against allowed range
System.out.println("You have picked a decimal point precision of: " + a);
String decimalplace = "%." + a + "f";
// Creating precision for application depending on user input for 'a'
validRange = true;
// Condition set for do-while loop
else {
// Adding else statement if user has not input within allowed range
System.out.println("ERROR - You need to pick a range between 1-5. Please press the enter key to try again.");
validRange = false;
// Condition set for do-while loop
catch (Exception e) {
// Error message if user does not input an integer number for a
System.out.println("ERROR - Invalid Entry. You must enter an integer number.");
public void equation() {
// method solve quadratic equation depending on user input
float a, b, c;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
menu menu = new menu();
System.out.println("The quadratic equation is ax^2 + bx + c = 0");
// Quadratic equation syntax
// user input for float; a,b,c
System.out.println("Please now pick the integer values you would like for the equation.");
try {
// Creating try-catch block
System.out.print("Integer a: ");
a = input.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Integer b: ");
b = input.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Integer c: ");
c = input.nextFloat();
// Calculations to work out quadratic equation
calculation = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);
squareroot = Math.sqrt(calculation);
result = ((-b) + squareroot) / (2 * a);
result2 = ((-b) - squareroot) / (2 * a);
// Converting float a,b,c to int for equation printing.
int a2 = Math.round(a);
int b2 = Math.round(b);
int c2 = Math.round(c);
// printing the equation with user values, followed by result
System.out.println("Given your values: " + a2 + "x^2 + " + b2 + "x + " + c2 + " =0");
String precision = getdp();
// Calling the static method to declare new variable precision based on input
// for dp from option 1
System.out.println("x = " + String.format(precision, result));
System.out.println("x = " + String.format(precision, result2));
catch (Exception e) {
// Error message if user does not input numbers for variables a,b,c
System.out.println("ERROR - Invalid Entry. You must enter an integer number.");
public void linerEquation() {
// Method for linear equation option
float a, b, c;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
menu menu = new menu();
System.out.println("The linear equation is ax + b = c");
// Linear equation syntax
// user input for float; a,b,c
System.out.println("Please now pick the integer values you would like for the equation.");
try {
// Creating try-catch block
System.out.print("Integer a: ");
a = input.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Integer b: ");
b = input.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Integer c: ");
c = input.nextFloat();
result = (c - b) / a;
// Converting float a,b,c to int for equation printing.
int a2 = Math.round(a);
int b2 = Math.round(b);
int c2 = Math.round(c);
// printing the equation with user values, followed by result
System.out.println("Given your values: " + a2 + "x + " + b2 + " = " + c2);
String precision = getdp();
/* Calling the static method to declare new variable precision based on input
for dp from Accuracy method */
System.out.println("x = " + String.format(precision, result));
catch (Exception e) {
// Error message if user does not input numbers for variables a,b,c
System.out.println("ERROR - Invalid Entry. You must enter an integer number.");
public void bubblesort() {
// Using the bubblesort method to sort the user input for Student ID number
menu menu = new menu();
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
// Scanner input for user ID number
String studentnumber;
System.out.println("Please enter your 7 digit student ID when prompted!");
// using e1 so variable does not clash with catch statement
try {
// Creating try-catch block
Boolean validID = false;
// Declaring boolean validID for the do-while loop
do {
// Creating do while loop to validate student ID number inputed by user
System.out.print("Enter your student ID number here; ");
studentnumber = input.nextLine();
// User to input their Student ID number
int s;
for(s=0; s < studentnumber.length(); s++) {
// For loop used to create variable s for each entered digit by user
if (Character.isLetter(studentnumber.charAt(s))) {
// Creating if statement to validate whether user has inputed letters
validID = false;
// Creating condition for do-while loop to validate Student ID number length
System.out.println("Error - this is not a valid Student ID, please press the enter key to try again.");
// Break used to terminate loop if condition is true
} else
validID = true;
// Condition for else statement for do-while loop
} while (!validID);
// loop condition for if-else statement to validate Student ID number
long sNumber = Long.parseLong(studentnumber);
/* Converting 'studentnumber' to long 'sNumber' to validate user input
against try-catch block for special characters.
sNumber variable has no other use in the method */
System.out.print("Your Student ID is: ");
// Printing inputed student ID number to the console
int studentID[] = new int[studentnumber.length()];
// Creating array 'studentID' for numbers inputed by user
for (int n = 0; n < studentID.length; n++) {
studentID[n] = Character.getNumericValue(studentnumber.charAt(n));
// for loop used to obtain individual digits from user string input
// Calling the static bubble-sort method to be used for user input
System.out.println("Please press enter to bubble sort your Student ID number!");
System.out.print("Your Student ID after the Bubble Sort is; ");
// Printing bubble-sorted student ID number using array
for (int i : studentID) {
// Enhanced For loop used to call sorted ID numbers using index
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Error message if user does not input integer values for Student ID, returning
user to main menu */
System.out.println("ERROR - Invalid Entry. You must enter an integer number.");
public void seconds() {
// User to input int a - amount of seconds
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int a;
try {
// Creating try-catch block
System.out.print("Enter a number of seconds: ");
a = input.nextInt();
// calculations to convert seconds into hours, minutes, seconds
int hours = a / 3600;
int remainder = a % 3600;
int minutes = remainder / 60;
int seconds = remainder % 60;
System.out.println(a + " Seconds = " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds ");
// Printing the result
} catch (Exception e) {
// Error message if user does not input numbers for variables a,b,c
System.out.println("ERROR - Invalid Entry. You must enter an integer number.");
public void exit() {
// Menu program exit method
menu menu = new menu();
System.out.println("Thank you for using my program today.");