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Emily Lycett committed Oct 4, 2020
1 parent c685a0a commit f80988d430fae6bf06919b031f9cdc521468e27a
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
story{0: "To select an option, press the number next to that option. /n Game start, press 1 to continue...",
story{0: "To select an option, press the number next to that option. \n Game start, press 1 to continue...",
1: "You are reading a magazine. The phone rings. \n 1. Continue reading the magazine \n 2. Inspect the room \n 3. You pick up the phone",
2: "“Ethan Stewart speaking, an interesting and rather weird door has been dug up. No amount of force has worked on the door and I thought I’d contact you as the leading expert in hieroglyphs. I want you to fly over to Giza immediately and inspect the door.” \n 1. “…” \n 2. “Is it urgent? And who are you anyway?” \n 3. “Don’t tell me what to do!” \n 4. “I’ll be on my way.”",
3: "You arrive at the site of discovery. \n 1. Examine the door \n 2. Talk to the lead archaeologist \n 3. Examine the floor"
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ story{0: "To select an option, press the number next to that option. /n Game sta
6: "She replies: “Of course, anything to help a friend, I’ll probably be able to get a flight for tomorrow morning. So where exactly in Giza are we going?” \n 1. Give Laura the details",
7: "“Okay cool, see you then!” \n 1. You wait until she arrives",
8: "You both work on trying to understand the hieroglyphs, but you’re having difficulty understanding them. Is it a new form of hieroglyph? \n 1. Attempt to read the first line",
9: "You see a few letters that pop out to the both of you. The first word you manage to decrypt reads “beware”. \n 1. Carry on decrypting /n 2. No way, that thing says beware, I’m hopping on the first plane back home",
9: "You see a few letters that pop out to the both of you. The first word you manage to decrypt reads “beware”. \n 1. Carry on decrypting \n 2. No way, that thing says beware, I’m hopping on the first plane back home",
10: "You and Laura are having a hard time trying to understand the context of this word and after hours of hard working they finally decrypt a second word, “warned”. \n 1. Decrypt some more \n 2. Okay first “beware” and now “warned”? I’m outta here",
11: "You spend hours trying to decrypt more of the codes and hieroglyphs, but a lot of these symbols don’t have direct meaning. Are they some kind of code? Luckily Laura has brought a reference book and a laptop with her \n 1. Read through the book \n 2. Browse through the internet for ideas",
12: "You discover that these symbols are actually numbers. Not every number though... \n 1. You say “Laura look, I think they’re just 0s and 1s!”",
@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ story{0: "To select an option, press the number next to that option. /n Game sta
57: "Disregarding the prominent binary on the door you attempt to force it open. Just as it seems hopeless the room begins to shake and the doors start to open. The discovery site seemingly coming to life. \n 1. Shaking is never good; I’m going as far away from here as I can \n 2. Rush in to see what is inside the room",
58: "You rush into the room ecstatic to find out what is inside. That excitement disappears the moment you enter the room, the remains of hundreds of long abandoned Egyptians scattered all across the room with a yellow box at its centre. But as you get closer to yellow the box the room begins shaking and the doors shut behind you. Laura shouts to you from the other side of the door “Are you okay Alex?!” \n 1. Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll see if I can find a way out \n 2. I’m okay, I’m going to investigate the yellow box",
59: "After seeing this horrifying message you look up. Due to your focus on the lengths of papyrus, you had failed to notice the whirring of machinery, the room starting to become brighter and getting far far hotter. The room continued heating up, getting brighter by the second. In a last ditch attempt to survive you quickly begin scrolling through to see if there is anything that offers a way out. Yet to no avail the length of papyrus offering no way out from the heat as every bit of your skin starts to boil and your eyes become blinded by the light. Until eventually it all turns to black. \n 1. Restart",
60: " Ignoring the whirring of the room and the intense heat that the pit starts emit you pull up the last part of the papyrus. Intent on finding out the truth no matter what you translate the last part: ... \n \n “Preparing human extermination program...” \n Followed by a handwritten part by, you assume, one of the creators of this machine: \n “Something has gone wrong. The logic the computer uses to calculate the meaning of life works perfectly, however it implies from it’s result that the only way to help fulfil that meaning is to end all life.” \n \n The room is almost completely blinding, heat searing your skin off. You look behind you to see Laura collapsed in front of the sealed door. Dead. Determined to have your curiosity sated before the end, you try to continue reading: “I dont know why the computer gets this implication from the meaning of life but if anyone is reading this, I am sorry and the meaning of life is---” You collapse before gleaning the ultimate answer, left with nothing put torture and disappointment that stings even greater you feel your life boiling away. /n 1. Restart",
60: " Ignoring the whirring of the room and the intense heat that the pit starts emit you pull up the last part of the papyrus. Intent on finding out the truth no matter what you translate the last part: ... \n \n “Preparing human extermination program...” \n Followed by a handwritten part by, you assume, one of the creators of this machine: \n “Something has gone wrong. The logic the computer uses to calculate the meaning of life works perfectly, however it implies from it’s result that the only way to help fulfil that meaning is to end all life.” \n \n The room is almost completely blinding, heat searing your skin off. You look behind you to see Laura collapsed in front of the sealed door. Dead. Determined to have your curiosity sated before the end, you try to continue reading: “I dont know why the computer gets this implication from the meaning of life but if anyone is reading this, I am sorry and the meaning of life is---” You collapse before gleaning the ultimate answer, left with nothing put torture and disappointment that stings even greater you feel your life boiling away. \n 1. Restart",

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