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leesj4 committed Nov 24, 2021
1 parent 2b21f6e commit 36ad927061e89693f3245b0b6454b8743f9d9fdd
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BIN +0 Bytes (100%) auction/database.db
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@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ def sold(item_id): # allows a user to mark an item as sold

# prevents another user marking items they don't own
if item.user_id == # if the current user is the items owner
item.sold = True
item.sold = False

@@ -228,21 +228,24 @@ def bid(item_id): # allows a user to bid on an item

def notify_winner(winner, item): # emails a user if they win an auction
message = "you have won the "+item.item_name+" auction!!" # not allowing me to send an email with a link in it, coming in blank
winner_email =
send_email("", "", message) # changed reciever to reduce spam when testing
subj = "You won an auction!"
body = "Hey {}!".format(winner.username)
body += "\nYou just won the {} auction!".format(item.item_name) # not allowing me to send an email with a link in it, coming in blank
send_email("",, subj, body) # changed reciever to reduce spam when testing

def notify_outbid(user, item): # emails a user if they are outbid
message = "you have been outbid on the "+item.item_name+" auction!" # wont allow me to put a link in the email
outbid_email =
send_email("", "", message)
subj = "You were just outbid!"
body = "Hey {}!".format(user.username)
body += "\nYou just got outbid on the {} auction!".format(item.item_name) # wont allow me to put a link in the email
send_email("",, subj, body)

def send_email(sender, reciever, message): # sends the email using smtplib module
def send_email(sender, reciever, subj, message): # sends the email using smtplib module
password = "Python150*"
msg = "From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s" % ( sender, reciever, subj, message )

server = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
server.login(sender, password)
server.sendmail(sender, "", message)
server.sendmail(sender, "", msg)

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