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import site # importing site module so we can use site specifc paths etc.
import os # importing module os so we can use os features and functions such as clearing terminal
site.getsitepackages() # function Returning a list containing all global site-packages directories
import requests # import requests is brining the requests module which allows to use simple HTTP Functions
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # importing beatifulsoup from bs4 module which is very usefull for scraping websites and helped me a lot
from datetime import datetime # importing the datetime module from date and time
# from GlobalVariables import testname # code which wasn't used used to import name from globalvairables
URL = "" # setting 'URL' as the string to the bbc/news website
page = requests.get(URL) # sets 'page' with information from the acutal website as requests.get grabs infromation # from URL which is bbc
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser") # with this line we are both making a 'soup' and a parser which esecianlly analyses the website we want and sorts it in a way we can acess in html
results = soup.find(id="site-container") # soup.find searches for an id in page which is the URL, and the id it is looking for
HotNews = results.find_all("div", id="latest-stories-tab-container") # makes list of all "latest stories tab container" used for titles
links = results.find_all("a") # makes list of all A in results used for descirptions
def news():# main function for getting the news and displaying them
LinkUrls = [] # empty list made for links
for link in links: # loop to get all links from links variable which holds all "a" tags via html
link_url = link["href"] # link_url has the value
FullLink = ("" + link_url) # make the "full link to the website because links in html are only extensions missing
LinkUrls.append(FullLink) # add "fulllink" to to the LinkUrls list
for Hotstory in HotNews: # loop to use for Hotstory & descirption
hotstory2 = Hotstory.find("h3", class_="gs-c-promo-heading__title gel-paragon-bold nw-o-link-split__text")
# hotstory2 is the hot story h3 and class if found in html
hotstory3 = Hotstory.find_all("h3", class_="gs-c-promo-heading__title gel-pica-bold nw-o-link-split__text")
# hotstory3 is a list of all h3 headers with the class as above this is because the stories had all the
# same classes and all h3 so to fix this and get the stories i made a list of all of them which i later simply
# used in the loop to add the 8 stories i need to the "stories" list after removcing all the html code from
# to leave just text
descriptionDone = Hotstory.find("p", class_="gs-c-promo-summary gel-long-primer gs-u-mt nw-c-promo-summary")
# the same as for hotstory2/3 the but with the "p" insted of the h3 header in html
descriptionlist = Hotstory.find_all("p", class_="gs-c-promo-summary gel-long-primer gs-u-mt nw-c-promo-summary")
# the same as for hotstory2/3 the but with the "p" insted of the h3 header in html
Stories = [] # list of Stories which will be added once only text remaning
StoryDescriptions = [] # list of descriptions which will be added once only text reamining
c = 0 # counter for the next loop to
for x in range(0, 9): #loop for 8 stories and descriptions
hottest = "".join(str(hotstory3[c:c + 1])) #takes out certain entry in list hootstory3 and changes it to str
# so that we can edit it more easily, using c:c+1 to make sure we only get the first inputs in the list because
# we need the closest ones
hottest = hottest.replace('<h3 class="gs-c-promo-heading__title gel-pica-bold nw-o-link-split__text">', '')
hottest = hottest.replace('</h3>', '')
hottest = hottest.translate({ord(']'): None})
hottest = hottest.replace('[', '')
#all lines replace parts of the str which are not need to keep just text
Description = "".join(str(descriptionlist[c:c + 1]))
Description = Description.replace('<p class="gs-c-promo-summary gel-long-primer gs-u-mt nw-c-promo-summary">', '')
Description = Description.replace('</p>', '')
Description = Description.translate({ord(']'): None})
# all lines replace parts of the str which are not need to keep just text
Stories.append(hottest) # add each loop of hottest to the stories list ready for print
StoryDescriptions.append(Description) # add each loop of Description to the StoryDescriptions list ready for print
c = c + 1 # add c+1 so that the next loop has a different value for line 40&48
# """ Story 1 """
# lines 47 to 50 are example of code which is used now in the loop from line 32 to 44 which prior to this was
# all duplicate like below however due to an error with the loop i couldn't fix it however i managed to fix it
# and make a single loop and delte 100+ lines
#description1 = "".join(str(descriptionlist[2]))
#description1 = description1.replace('<p class="gs-c-promo-summary gel-long-primer gs-u-mt nw-c-promo-summary">', '')
#description1 = description1.replace('</p>', '')
#description1 = description1.translate({ord(']'): None})
while True: # while true so that incase there is a incorrect input it will loop to ask the user again
print("**********Todays Biggest News**********") # header
print("Welcome to today's hottest news from BBC \nToday is " +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S'))
# header with date and time and weclomig user
print("**********Todays Biggest News**********") # header
Choice = input("Stroy 1 " + hotstory2.text + "\nStroy 2 " + str(Stories[0]) + "\nStroy 3 " + str(Stories[1]) + "\nStroy 4 " + str(Stories[2]) + "\nStroy 5 " + str(Stories[3]) + "\nStroy 6 " + str(Stories[4]) + "\nStroy 7 " + str(Stories[5]) + "\nStroy 8 " + str(Stories[6]).translate({ord('['): None}) + "\n\nFor more information about a story write the number of the story \nOtherwise if you would like to go back to the main menu type exit\n")
# display stories as well as ask user for input, displying stories grabing story from list + the item in list and chaning to str
if Choice == "1": # if choice will be 1 run this part of code else continue and check next
os.system('cls') #clear terminal
print('"' + descriptionDone.text + '"'" \nfor more infromation head too")
print(LinkUrls[3:4]) # link from linkurls list check
elif Choice == "2":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[2]) + '"\n'"\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "3":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[3]) + '"\n'"\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "4":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[4]) + '"\n'"\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "5":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[5]) + '"\n'"\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "6":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[6]) + '"\n'"\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "7":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[7]) + '"'"\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "8":
print('"' + str(StoryDescriptions[8]) + "\nfor more infromation head too")
elif Choice == "exit" or "Exit":
return ()
print("\n I dont undeserstand please try again ")
def googlenews(): # un used code not working function due to lack of time
url = "" # url for google-news
querystring = {"lang": "en", "country": "US"}
headers = {'x-rapidapi-host': "",'x-rapidapi-key': "SIGN-UP-FOR-KEY"}
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
return (response.text)
def option(): # fucntion used as an option not to repeat code asking user if they want another story
while True: # while true so that it loops if input incorrect
x = input("\n1. to go back to main menu, 2. to get another story\n")
if x == "1":
os.system('cls') #clear terminal
elif x == "2":
print("\n I dont undeserstand please try again ")
def menu(): # main choice menu
while True:
FirstChoice = input("\nWelcome to Eggy's Hot News Today Is \n:" +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S' + "\n****Menu*****\n1.Eggy's Hottest News \n2.Google Latest News \ Exit\n"))
if FirstChoice == "1":
os.system('cls') #clear terminal
elif FirstChoice == "2":
elif FirstChoice == "3":
print("I dont undeserstand please try again")
print(menu()) #run and output the function