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kokia committed Aug 17, 2019
1 parent 1e7eae9 commit 6c1a4d8b2d7d0e2c2cad0bd759a59287824995a9
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 19 deletions.
@@ -1,23 +1,37 @@
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import smtplib #calling the smtp library
import smtplib, sys #calling the smtp library
receivers=["",""] #list of recievers
def send_email():
userName = input("Enter your Gmail: ") #sender's email address
passWord = input("Enter your pssword: ") #sender's password
message = input("Enter your message here: ") #message displayes to recievers

def send_email(subject, message, receivers):

server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) #establishing connecton to the gmail smtp server
server.login(userName, passWord) #giving your log in details, gotten from

for receiver_email in receivers: #iterating through the list of recievers
server.sendmail(userName, receivers, message) #sending an email to the reciever
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) #establishing connecton to the gmail smtp server
server.login(userName, passWord) #giving your log in details, gotten from

server.sendmail(userName, receivers, message) #sending an email to the reciever
server.quit() #ending the program

if __name__ == "__main__":
receivers = ["",""] #list of recievers
userName = input("Enter your Gmail: ") #Will ask for sender's email address
passWord = input("Enter your pssword: ") #Will ask for sender's password
subject = input("Enter message subject: ") #Will ask for email subject
message = input("Enter your message here: ") #Will ask for email message displayes to recievers

send_email(subject, message, receivers)

while ans: #used an infinitre while loop to keep the menu running
print("1.Add an email\n2.Delete an email\n3.Send an email\n4.Exit/Quit")
ans=input("What would you like to do?")
if ans=="1":
x=input("Enter the email ID you would like to add")
receivers.append(x) #adds the new email ID tot he list
print("\n Email Added")
elif ans=="2":
x=input("Enter the email ID you would like to delete")
receivers.remove(x) #removes the particuler email ID entered
print("\n Email Deleted")
elif ans=="3":
send_email() #calls the function send_email which was defined earleir
print("\n Email sent")
elif ans=="4":
sys.exit(0) #ends teh program
print("\n Goodbye")
elif ans !="":
print("\n Not Valid Choice Try again")

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