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khani59 committed Aug 30, 2022
1 parent 9601c29 commit fdd8b1fc2b61973cd8ae447d52c795ff9a307e88
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 1 deletion.
@@ -1,2 +1,16 @@
# tinyl-shortener
URL shortening web service developed with Flask
URL shortening / safety checker web service

A basic URL shortener service which uses built-in modules and those which come with the Flask package.

Performs validation checks against user input to prevent attacks such as SQL injection when dealing with database queries.

Returns a unique path for each given URL which successfully redirects to given destination URL.

Abuse preventative measures implemented which perform checks on given URL to ensure safety before redirection.

Another service included is the ability to perform safety checks on suspicious URLs - the supplied URL is checked against different blacklist providers which returns any providers
that have blacklisted the URL and for what reason.

DNS queries are also made against the given URL/domain to gather information such as domain creation date, location, providers - combining the returned data allows me to provide users with a background of the given site and any potential security risks associated.

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