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from main import app
from flask import Flask, session, g, redirect, url_for, render_template, abort, flash, make_response, request
import sqlite3
from functools import wraps
# ALWAYS check user session valid
def user_logged_in():
user_id = session.get('access_mode')
if user_id is None:
# Session not found
g.user = None
g.user= user_id
@app.route('/shopping_cart', methods = ['GET','POST'])
def shopping_cart():
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.form['Submit'] == 'GO BACK':
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
# 'cancel' the shopping cart
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'CLEAR CART':
# Keep access_mode or user will be logged out, cart session cleared
remember_user = session['access_mode']
session['access_mode'] = remember_user
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
elif request.form['Submit'] == 'CHECKOUT':
return redirect(url_for('checkout'))
return render_template('cart.html', page=url_for('shopping_cart'))
# not in with add_book because seperate page alltogether
# help from 5001CEM
@app.route('/shopping_cart/remove', methods = ['POST'])
def remove():
_isbn = request.form['isbn']
session['book'][_isbn]['quantity'] -= 1
session['book'][_isbn]['total_individual_price'] -= session['book'][_isbn]['price']
session['total_quantity'] -= 1
session['total_price'] -= session['book'][_isbn]['price']
# if ALL instances of session['book'][_isbn] no longer exist:
if session['book'][_isbn]['quantity'] == 0:
#create row
book_val = (_isbn,session['book'][_isbn])
#in the code below, we create a new session['book'] and put there all elements, except the one that has 0 quantity in our basket
# we do it by iterating over our session['book'] and put all of the elements that is not the one that we have just removed the last copy of, in a new list
session['book'] = dict([i for i in list(session['book'].items()) if i != book_val])
# if book qunatity is 0 there are no books
if session['total_quantity'] == 0:
# template will cause error if no books in cart as 'book' would be empty, so must redirect
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
return redirect(url_for('shopping_cart'))
# end of borrowed code
@app.route('/checkout', methods = ['GET','POST'])
def checkout():
# help from 5001CEM
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.form['button_chooser'] == 'sold_out':
return redirect(url_for('homepage'))
elif request.form['button_chooser'] == 'proceed':
return redirect(url_for('payment'))
# For every book selected:
for key, value in session['book'].items():
# if session quantity > qty_left (pulled from db col 8)
if session['book'][key]['qty_left'] < session['book'][key]['quantity']:
books_over = session['book'][key]['quantity'] - session['book'][key]['qty_left']
# Ammend checkout and update prices
session['total_quantity'] -= books_over
session['total_price'] -= session['book'][key]['price'] * books_over
session['book'][key]['total_individual_price'] -= session['book'][key]['price'] * books_over
session['book'][key]['quantity'] = session['book'][key]['qty_left']
# Sold out books
if 'sold_out' in session:
session['sold_out'] = [session['book'][key]['title']]
if session['book'][key]['quantity'] == 0:
book_val = (key,value)
# Sold out book removed
session['book'] = dict([i for i in list(session['book'].items()) if i != book_val])
if 'sold_out' in session:
# Pretty much storing all the missing books for user message
session['sold_out'] = ', '.join(str(z) for z in session['sold_out'])
# If first book is 3 and all are + 1 then postal cost always = number of books + 2
_post_cost = session['total_quantity'] + 2
session['total_cost'] = session['total_price'] + _post_cost
session['total_cost'] = "{:.1f}".format(float(session['total_cost']))
session['total_cost'] = float(session['total_cost'])
return render_template('checkout.html',page=url_for('checkout'), post_cost = _post_cost)
def payment():
# Dummy template with no validation or verification - in alignment with req
return render_template('payment.html')
# Payment complete screen
@app.route('/checkout/payment/complete', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def dummy_payment():
if request.method == "POST":
con = sqlite3.connect('bookshop_database.db')
con.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0]
cur = con.cursor()
# For EVERY book thats in cart update the quantity
# Note this only happens after payment has COMPLETED to stop books dissapearing
for key, value in session['book'].items():
# Select the row with the same isbn value
cur.execute('SELECT quantity FROM books WHERE isbn13 = ? ', (key, ))
before_qty = cur.fetchone()
# Take cart quantity value from the current qnty
upd_quantity = int(before_qty) - session['book'][key]['quantity']
# Update row to new quantity
cur.execute('UPDATE BOOKS set quantity=? WHERE isbn13=?',(upd_quantity, key))
# Clearing session in order to clear basket
remember_user = session['access_mode']
session['access_mode'] = remember_user
flash('Thank you for your purchase')
# Basic template
return render_template('payment_done.html')