diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 665a253..38040c0 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -10,14 +10,18 @@ The code for eGBP1 is standard OpenZeppelin implementation ( https://github.com/ There are 4 main files to consider: app.js, app2.js, app3.js, app3_2nd_cycle.js (those were used to find transaction times on dissertation) + and 2 Ethereum connection example files: web3.js and smartcontract.js (those are examples on how to connect to Ethereum API using https://infura.io and not rely on ethers.js library) Each of the 4 main files start with the smart contracts' addresses and their ABI. app.js contains the logic to analyze transaction speeds in normal ERC20-s according to openzeppelin implementation + app2.js contains the logic to analyze transaction speeds based on eGBP2 implementation + app3.js contains the logic to analyze the first transaction cycle based on eGBP3 implementation + app3_2nd_cycle.js contains the logic to analyze any other transaction cycles after the first one based on eGBP3 implementation