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ivigheni committed Apr 27, 2020
1 parent 8010fd1 commit 456626ea420526da82091836eac2c69340b01d76
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -10,14 +10,18 @@ The code for eGBP1 is standard OpenZeppelin implementation (

There are 4 main files to consider: app.js, app2.js, app3.js, app3_2nd_cycle.js (those were used to find transaction times on dissertation)

and 2 Ethereum connection example files: web3.js and smartcontract.js (those are examples on how to connect to Ethereum API using and not rely on ethers.js library)

Each of the 4 main files start with the smart contracts' addresses and their ABI.

app.js contains the logic to analyze transaction speeds in normal ERC20-s according to openzeppelin implementation

app2.js contains the logic to analyze transaction speeds based on eGBP2 implementation

app3.js contains the logic to analyze the first transaction cycle based on eGBP3 implementation

app3_2nd_cycle.js contains the logic to analyze any other transaction cycles after the first one based on eGBP3 implementation

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