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added a 'number' option to see if the user is answering the correct q…
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dahilj committed Nov 1, 2017
1 parent f486be9 commit ea7bc3456277be61f97971d49619b1195ba72ff3
Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 4 deletions.
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ def determineUserInput(sentence):
response = ""
sentence = sentence.lower()
sentenceParce = sentence.split()

if "what" in sentence: # ------------- execute the "what is" code here ---------------
response =executeWhatFunction(sentence)
return response
response = executeWhatFunction(sentence)
return response, 2
elif sentenceParce[0] in greetings:
return getName(sentence)
return getName(sentence), 1

return sentence
return sentence, 0

def reformatSentence(sentence, operatorType):
"""reformats the sentence so we're left with just the equation"""

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