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mateussa committed Nov 17, 2017
1 parent d0b37da commit e068b224be434d7296325ad32289087ca72d4638
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 3 deletions.
@@ -287,15 +287,14 @@ def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "OpentDB"):
def getGoogleSearch(toSearch):
''' With a input search as string, return the first google search as a string'''

search = readJSON("{}&cx=001954664739637419008%3Aprvczty2gta&num=1&key=AIzaSyArPcOPqon_MSxFKkB41qCexrCVZ5AHfoU"
search = readJSON("{}&cx=001954664739637419008%3Aprvczty2gta&num=1&safe=medium&key=AIzaSyArPcOPqon_MSxFKkB41qCexrCVZ5AHfoU"
.format(toSearch.replace(" ", "+")))["items"][0]

snippet = search["snippet"].replace("\xa0","")
snippet = search["snippet"].replace("\xa0...",".").replace("\n","")
url = search["link"]

return(snippet, url)

# #
# Testing area #
@@ -577,3 +576,43 @@ if (__name__ == "__main__"):
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test getGoogleSearch function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getGoogleSearch function, gets the first search from google")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()

# Test 1 - Get a random search
print(" - Get Search: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getGoogleSearch("Hi")

test_Error = (False if (type(test_Data) == tuple) else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

# Test 2 - Get known search result 1
print(" - What is pizza: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getGoogleSearch("What is pizza")

test_Error = (False if (test_Data[0] == "Pizza is a yeasted flatbread typically topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables." and
test_Data[1] == "") else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

# Test 3 - Get known search result 1
print(" - How train works: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getGoogleSearch("How train works")

test_Error = (False if (test_Data[0] == "Trains act as a major form of transportation worldwide. Learn how trains evolved from horse-drawn carts to the high-speed sleek railways of today." and
test_Data[1] == "") else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

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