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Added opetion to get questions from the files on GitHub
Know the chatbot can get questions not multiple type, like famous birthdays, historical days and famous quotes.
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mateussa committed Nov 16, 2017
1 parent b3a1960 commit d1cbd22076f6e01a45698773e6c6dd992602711a
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Showing 2 changed files with 184 additions and 162 deletions.
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ def getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):
outputs the questions with that criteria '''
import html
import json
import random

### Check if the number of questions is valid, more than 0 and less than 50
if (nrQuestions is None or nrQuestions == ""
@@ -134,113 +135,152 @@ def getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):

# Check website API response message
if (opentDBJson["response_code"] == 0): # Success - Read the data into variables
if (nrQuestions == 1): # If just one question output string, if not, a list
data = opentDBJson["results"][0]
questions = html.unescape(data["question"])
rightAns = html.unescape(data["correct_answer"])
if (data["type"] == "boolean"):
worngAns = [html.unescape(data["incorrect_answers"][0])]
elif (data["type"] == "multiple"):
worngAns = [html.unescape(data["incorrect_answers"][0]),
data = opentDBJson["results"][0]
if (nrQuestions == 1):
questionSet = {}
questionSet["Type"] = html.unescape(data["type"]).title()
questionSet["Question"] = html.unescape(data["question"])
questionSet["corrAnswer"] = html.unescape(data["correct_answer"])
if (questionSet["Type"] == "Multiple"):
choices = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(data["correct_answer"]),
worngAns = html.unescape(data["incorrect_answers"])
qTypes = html.unescape(data["type"])
choices = ["A", "B"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(data["correct_answer"]),

for i, item in enumerate(ansTemp):
questionSet[choices[i]] = item
questions = []
rightAns = []
worngAns = []
qTypes = []
for i in opentDBJson["results"]:

if (i["type"] == "boolean"):
elif (i["type"] == "multiple"):
questionSet = []
for s in opentDBJson["results"]:
setTemp = {}
setTemp["Type"] = html.unescape(s["type"]).title()
setTemp["Question"] = html.unescape(s["question"])
setTemp["corrAnswer"] = html.unescape(s["correct_answer"])
setTemp["corrAnswer"] = html.unescape(s["correct_answer"])
if (setTemp["Type"] == "Multiple"):
choices = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(s["correct_answer"]),
choices = ["A", "B"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(s["correct_answer"]),

for i, item in enumerate(ansTemp):
setTemp[choices[i]] = item


elif (opentDBJson["response_code"] == 1): #No Results
return("Error", 5)
elif (opentDBJson["response_code"] == 2): #Invalid Parameter
return("Error", 6)
elif (opentDBJson["response_code"] >= 3): #Token Not Found (3) and Token Empty (4)
return("Error", 7)

return(questions, rightAns, worngAns, qTypes)

def getBirthday():
''' Get a random birthday from a JSON file on github and output a dictionairy with name as string,
the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random

# Get JSON data from GitHub file
birthdaysJson = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in birthdaysJson):

chooseBirthday = random.choice(birthdaysJson)
birthdaySet = {"Type": "Birthday", "Name": chooseBirthday["Name"], "Date": chooseBirthday["Date"],
"Question": "In what year was " + chooseBirthday["Name"] + " born?", "corrAnswer": chooseBirthday["Date"].split("-")[0]}


def getHistory():
''' Get a random history event from a JSON file on github and output a dictionairy with
the event as string, the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random

# Get JSON data from GitHub file
historyJson = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in historyJson):

chooseHistory = random.choice(historyJson)
historySet = {"Type": "History", "Event": chooseHistory["Event"], "Date": chooseHistory["Date"],
"Question": chooseHistory["Event"] + " in what year?", "corrAnswer": chooseHistory["Date"].split("-")[0]}


def getQuote():
''' Get a random quote from a JSON file on github and output a dictionairy with
the quotetype as string, the name and quote as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random

# Get JSON data from GitHub file
quoteJson = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in quoteJson):

chooseQuote = random.choice(quoteJson)
quoteSet = {"Type": "Quote", "QuoteType": chooseQuote["Type"], "Name": chooseQuote["Name"], "Quote": chooseQuote["Quote"],
"Question": "Who said '" + chooseQuote["Quote"] + "' ?", "corrAnswer": chooseQuote["Name"]}


# Main function to get questions, choose database and check for the error messages
def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):
def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "opentDB"):
''' Given a category, diffculty as strings and number
of questions as integer return a dictionary with
type, question, possible answers and correct answer '''
import random

allData = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
if ("Error" in allData):
if (allData[1] == 0):
if (qSource == "opentDB"):
questionSet = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
elif (qSource == "Birthday"):
questionSet = getBirthday()
elif (qSource == "History"):
questionSet = getHistory()
elif (qSource == "Quote"):
questionSet = getQuote()

if ("Error" in questionSet):
if (questionSet[1] == 0):
return("Error", "There was an error opening the URL")
elif (allData[1] == 1):
elif (questionSet[1] == 1):
return("Error", "Error reading JSON data")
elif (allData[1] == 2):
elif (questionSet[1] == 2):
return("Error", "The number of questions requested not valid")
elif (allData[1] == 3):
elif (questionSet[1] == 3):
return("Error", "Category not valid")
elif (allData[1] == 4):
elif (questionSet[1] == 4):
return("Error", "Difficulty not valid")
elif (allData[1] == 5):
elif (questionSet[1] == 5):
return("Error", "No results were found")
elif (allData[1] == 6):
elif (questionSet[1] == 6):
return("Error", "Invalid parameter")
elif (allData[1] == 7):
elif (questionSet[1] == 7):
import os

print("Token not found or all available question were used")
print("Reseting token...")
allData = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
if ("Error" in allData):
questionSet = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
if ("Error" in questionSet):
return("Error", "Token not found or all available question were used")

### Creates a dictionary with all the questios info, randomizes
# the answers as a A, B, C, D multiple choice option, ouputs
# a list of dictionaries if more than one questions is requested, also
# appends the correct answer for later comparison
if (nrQuestions == 1):
questionSet = {}
questionSet["Type"] = allData[3]
questionSet["Question"] = allData[0]
choices = (["A", "B", "C", "D"] if (allData[3] == "multiple")
else ["A", "B"])
ansTemp = allData[2]
for i, item in enumerate(ansTemp):
questionSet[choices[i]] = item
if item == allData[1]:
questionSet["corrAnswer"] = choices[i]
questionSet = []
for i in range(len(allData[2])):
setTemp = {}
setTemp["Type"] = allData[3][i]
setTemp["Question"] = allData[0][i]
choices = (["A", "B", "C", "D"] if (allData[3][i] == "multiple")
else ["A", "B"])
ansTemp = allData[2][i]
for a, item in enumerate(ansTemp):
setTemp[choices[a]] = item
if item == allData[1][i]:
setTemp["corrAnswer"] = choices[a]


# Testing area, test all funcions with possible inputs
@@ -331,7 +371,7 @@ if (__name__ == "__main__"):
else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_onlyCategories))
# Test 3 - If returns a set number of random categories
test_nrCat = [-30, -24, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 24, 30]
print(" - Rendom Categories: ", end="")
print(" - Random Categories: ", end="")

for i in test_nrCat:
test_randomCat = getCategories(True, i)
@@ -349,58 +389,6 @@ if (__name__ == "__main__"):
# Test 1 - If function gets random data
print(" - Random data: ", end="")

test_Data = getOpentDB("", "")
test_Error = (False if (len(test_Data) == 4) else True)

print("{}".format("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data)))
# Test 2 - If function gets all possible categories
print(" - All Categories: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_catList = getCategories(True)
if ("Error" in test_catList):
test_Error = True
test_Cat = test_catList
for i in test_catList:
test_Data = getOpentDB(i, "")
if (len(test_Data) != 4 and test_Data[1] != 3):
test_Error = True

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 3 - If function gets all difficulties
print(" - All Difficulties: ", end="")

test_Error = False
for i in ["easy", "medium", "hard"]:
test_Data = getOpentDB("", i)
if (len(test_Data) != 4 and test_Data[1] != 4):
test_Error = True

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 4 - If function possible number of questions Input
print(" - Number Questions: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_nrQuest = [-50, -1, 0, 1, 50]
for i in test_nrQuest:
test_Data = getOpentDB("", "", i)
if (len(test_Data) != 4 and test_Data[1] != 2):
test_Error = True

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getQuestion function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getQuestion function, format questions and check for errors")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If function gets random data
print(" - Random data: ", end="")

test_Data = getQuestion("", "")
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and "Question" in test_Data and
"A" in test_Data and "B" in test_Data and
@@ -463,3 +451,14 @@ if (__name__ == "__main__"):

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getQuestion function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getQuestion function, format questions and check for errors")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()

# #
# #

print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

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