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-"tell" sentence
-"what" questions (What time is it? What is the date?)
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manead committed Nov 7, 2017
1 parent eccec17 commit d0bfb4bfb1a5f7b281b1c175804427e654f48fd6
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
operatorList = ["+","-","*","/","plus","minus","times","divided"]
numberList = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]
questionStarters = ["what","whats","are","how","hows","do","tell"]

from Get_Functions import *

def determineUserInput(sentence):
"""determines what the user asks and responses accordingly"""
response = ""
sentence = sentence.lower()
sentenceParce = sentence.split()

if sentenceParce[0] in questionStarters: # ------------- execute the "what is" code here ---------------
response = respondQuestion(sentence)
elif sentenceParce[0] in greetings:
return getName(sentence), 1

return sentence, 0
return response
# list of casual conversation:
# How are you?
# what are you up to?
# what's your name?
# how's your day been?
# are you a robot?
# do you like ___ ?
# do you have a brain?
# are you alive?
# what is the meaning of life?
# are you a boy or girl?
# do you like someone?
# What time is it?
# What date is it?
# Tell me....

import random
from datetime import datetime
now = ()

feelingList = ["feeling great","feeling good","fine","well","great","good"]

# branches from determineUserInput()
def respondQuestion(sentence):
newSentence = sentence.split()
if newSentence[0] in ["how","hows"]:
response = executeHow(sentence)
elif newSentence[0] in ["what","whats"]:
response = executeWhat(sentence)
elif newSentence[0] == "are":
response = executeAre(sentence)
elif newSentence[0] == "tell":
response = executeTell(sentence)
elif newSentence[1] in ["like", "enjoy", "love"]:
response = executeLike(sentence)
return response

def executeHow(sentence):
"""this is where all the "how" questions are dealt with"""
if "are you" in sentence:
response = "I am " + random.choice(feelingList) + ", thanks."
elif "your day" in sentence:
dayFeelingList = feelingList[2:len(feelingList)]
response = "Today was " + random.choice(dayFeelingList) + ", thanks."

elif "do i look":
response = "I don't know ... I can see you."

return response

def executeTell(sentence):
"""this is where all the "tell" sentence dealt with"""
if "time" in sentence:
response = "The time is: " + str(now.hour) + str(":") + str(now.minute) + str(":") + str(now.second)
elif "date" in sentence:
response = "The date is: " + str( + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.year)
elif "something about you" in sentence:
response = "I'm an awesome robot."
response = "Sorry, I can't help you with this."
return response

def executeWhat(sentence):
"""this is where all the "what" questions are dealt with"""
numberQuestion = False
for i in sentence:
if i in numberList: #checks whether the question involves numbers, like 1 + 1
numberQuestion = True

if numberQuestion == True:
#add spaces to the sentence
addedSpaceSentence = ""
for i in sentence:
if i not in "what is":
if i in numberList or i in operatorList[0:4]:
addedSpaceSentence = addedSpaceSentence + " " + i + " "
elif i == " ":
addedSpaceSentence = addedSpaceSentence + i
addedSpaceSentence = addedSpaceSentence + i
sentence = addedSpaceSentence

operatorType = ""
sentenceParce = sentence.split()
for i in sentenceParce:
if i in operatorList[0:4]: #checks what type is used - Symbols or Words
operatorType = "symbols"
elif i in operatorList[4:8]:
operatorType = "words"

print("execute sentenceFormat ", operatorType)
equationReformated = reformatSentence(sentence, operatorType)
response = round(eval(equationReformated), 2)

if "name" in sentence:
response = random.choice(greetings[0:10]).title() + ", " + random.choice(["I am ","I'm ","I'm called ","my creator calls me "]) + "Jeff. Nice to meet you :]"
elif "meaning of life" in sentence:
response = random.choice(["42 ... I guess","It is the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.","The meaning of life is to give life a meaning."])
elif "you doing" in sentence or "you up to" in sentence:
response = "Waiting upon your response, my master." #cringey stuff right here bois
elif "what time" in sentence:
response = "The time is: " + str(now.hour) + str(":") + str(now.minute) + str(":") + str(now.second)
elif "what date" in sentence:
response = "The date is: " + str( + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.year)
response = "Please ask with correct spellings and grammar"
return response


#funtions to help other functions

def reformatSentence(sentence, operatorType):
"""reformats the sentence so we're left with just the equation"""
equation = ""
char = ""

if operatorType == "symbols": # this part runs if the equation is using + - * /
for i in sentence:
if i not in "what is ":
char = i
if char == "^":
equation = equation + "**"
equation = equation + char
elif operatorType == "words": # this part runs if the equation uses words, like "plus"
sentenceParce = sentence.split()
for i in sentenceParce:
if i == 'what' or i == 'is':
equation = equation + " " + i
equationParce = equation.split()
equation = ""
for part in equationParce:
if part == "plus":
equation = equation + "+"
elif part == "divided":
equation = equation + "/"
elif part == "times" or part == "multipliedby":
equation = equation + "*"
elif part == "power":
equation = equation + "**"
elif part == "minus":
equation = equation + "-"
elif part in ["by","to","the","of"]:
equation = equation + part
return equation

# ----------------------------------------
# testing zone
# ----------------------------------------

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

userInput = input("Input a question: \n")


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