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Added function to get the first search from wikipedia or google, adde…
…d testing code
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mateussa committed Nov 17, 2017
1 parent d1cbd22 commit d0b37da25614d62257a7d3361f7033aca80852e6
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Showing 2 changed files with 155 additions and 17 deletions.
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ def getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):

def getBirthday():
''' Get a random birthday from a JSON file on github and output a dictionairy with name as string,
''' Get a random birthday and output a dictionairy with name as string,
the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ def getBirthday():

def getHistory():
''' Get a random history event from a JSON file on github and output a dictionairy with
the event as string, the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
''' Get a random history event and output a dictionairy with the event as string,
the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random

@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ def getHistory():

def getQuote():
''' Get a random quote from a JSON file on github and output a dictionairy with
the quotetype as string, the name and quote as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
''' Get a random quote and output a dictionairy with the quotetype as string,
the name and quote as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random

@@ -241,12 +241,12 @@ def getQuote():

# Main function to get questions, choose database and check for the error messages
def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "opentDB"):
def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "OpentDB"):
''' Given a category, diffculty as strings and number
of questions as integer return a dictionary with
type, question, possible answers and correct answer '''

if (qSource == "opentDB"):
if (qSource == "OpentDB"):
questionSet = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
elif (qSource == "Birthday"):
questionSet = getBirthday()
@@ -283,7 +283,25 @@ def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "opentDB"):


# Testing area, test all funcions with possible inputs

def getGoogleSearch(toSearch):
''' With a input search as string, return the first google search as a string'''

search = readJSON("{}&cx=001954664739637419008%3Aprvczty2gta&num=1&key=AIzaSyArPcOPqon_MSxFKkB41qCexrCVZ5AHfoU"
.format(toSearch.replace(" ", "+")))["items"][0]

snippet = search["snippet"].replace("\xa0","")
url = search["link"]

return(snippet, url)

# #
# Testing area #
# #

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
import json
import os
@@ -310,6 +328,7 @@ if (__name__ == "__main__"):

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Json))
print("# Ran 1 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test tokenGetSet function ##########
print("#" * 50)
@@ -451,14 +470,110 @@ if (__name__ == "__main__"):

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test getBirthday function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getBirthday function, get data from a JSON file on GitHub")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
print(" - Get Birthday: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getBirthday()

test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Name" in test_Data and
"Date" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test getHistory function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getHistory function, get data from a JSON file on GitHub")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
print(" - Get History: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getHistory()

test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Event" in test_Data and
"Date" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test getQuote function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getQuote function, get data from a JSON file on GitHub")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
print(" - Get Quote: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuote()

test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Name" in test_Data and
"Quote" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test getQuestion function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getQuestion function, format questions and check for errors")
print("# Checking getQuestion function, get questions from the choosen type and check for errors")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()

# #
# #
# Test 1 - OpentDB with one question
print(" - OpentDB 1 Question: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", 1, "OpentDB")
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"A" in test_Data and
"B" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

# Test 2 - OpentDB with ten question
print(" - OpentDB 10 Question: ", end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", 10, "OpentDB")

for q in test_Data:
if ("Type" not in q or "Question" not in q or "A" not in q or "B" not in q or "corrAnswer" not in q):
test_Error = True

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

# Test 3, 4 and 5 - Birthday, History and Quote
for source in ["Birthday", "History", "Quote"]:

print(" - {} Question: ".format(source), end="")

test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", 1, source)

test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)

print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))

print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
@@ -1,23 +1,46 @@
# Google API Key

# Search Engine ID

# Functions

### getQuestion
-Input (category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1)
- Input (category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "opentDB")
To get a random category or difficulty ("" or "Any" or "Random")
Source can be: opentDB, Birthday, History or Quote

-Output (questionsSet)
A dictionary if one question, a list of dictionaries if more than one
- Output (questionsSet)
A dictionary with the keys: Type, Question, A, B, C, D and corrAnswer all as string
If more than one question returns a list of dictionaries

### getCategories
-Input (onlyCategories = False, , nrCat = 0)
- Input (onlyCategories = False, , nrCat = 0)
True returns categories without ID numbers
nrCat returns a set number of random categories

-Output (categories)
- Output (categories)
A list with the choosen number of categories

### getBirthday
- No Input

- Output
A dictionary of a radom birthday with the keys: Type, Name, Date, Question, corrAnswer all as string

### getHistory
- No Input

- Output
A dictionary of a radom birthday with the keys: Type, Event, Date, Question, corrAnswer all as string

### getQuote
- No Input

- Output
A dictionary of a radom birthday with the keys: Type, Name, Quote, Question, corrAnswer all as string

#### Error Codes
0 - There was an error opening the URL

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