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Added quiz challenge with scoring
If user asks for a quiz challange, get the number of questions the user wants a keep track of the users score
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mateussa committed Nov 14, 2017
1 parent d05e722 commit bab8bf4efb34dffa2f412f9f7a37cecdff17b3cb
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@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
To get a random category or difficulty ("" or "Any" or "Random")

-Output (questionsSet)
A dictionary if one question, a list of dictionaries if more than one

### getCategories
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ def askSomething(answerType, sendMessages, noAnswers, defaultAnswer):

answer = receiveMessage()
while ((answer[1] != answerType and len(noAnswers) > 0) or
((answer[0] == "" or answer[1] in [0, 2, 3, 4]) and len(noAnswers) > 0)):
while (answer[1] != answerType or answer[0] == "" and len(noAnswers) > 0):

if(answerType == -1 and answer[1] == 0):
for cat in sendMessages:
@@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ def askSomething(answerType, sendMessages, noAnswers, defaultAnswer):

return (answer[0])

def qChallenge():
def oneQuestion():
''' Output a set of questions with a category choosen by the user '''
cat = getCategories(True, 3)
if ("Error" in cat):
@@ -132,36 +131,76 @@ def qChallenge():

if (receivedMessage[0].casefold() == questionSet["corrAnswer"].casefold()):
sendMessage("Congratulations! That was the right answer!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)

receivedMessage = askSomething(6, ["Would you like to answer another question?"],
["Are you afraid?? :D.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "No")

if (receivedMessage[0].casefold() == "No".casefold()):
return (False)
sendMessage("Awesome! Lets see if you know the next one.", False)
return (True)
sendMessage("-" * 50)
sendMessage("Nice try, but that's not the right answer.", False)
sendMessage("The right answer was {} ({})."
questionSet[questionSet["corrAnswer"]]), False)
sendMessage("I know you can get the next one!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)

receivedMessage = askSomething(6, ["Would you like to answer another question?"],
["Are you afraid?? :D.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "No")

if (receivedMessage[0].casefold() == "No".casefold()):
return (False)
sendMessage("Great! Lets try again.", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50)

def quizChallange(nrQuestions):
if (nrQuestions < 1 or nrQuestions > 50):
sendMessage("For a Quiz challenge ou have to choose between 2 and 50 quesitons.")

cat = getCategories(True, 3)
if ("Error" in cat):
sendMessage("{}: {}".format(cat[0], cat[1]), False)
if (cat[1] == 7):
sendMessage("Lets try again.")

receivedMessage = askSomething(-1, ["Pick a subject.", cat[0], cat[1], cat[2]],
["You can choose a category from the list above, like 'Music'.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "Any")

# Get a question and answers, from the user choice
qChaSet = getQuestion(receivedMessage, "", nrQuestions)
if ("Error" in qChaSet):
sendMessage(qChaSet[1], False)
sendMessage("Lets try again.", False)
return (True)

Score = 0

for questionSet in qChaSet:
# If question set of multiple type
if (questionSet["Type"] == "multiple"):
receivedMessage = askSomething(5, [questionSet["Question"],
"A: {}".format(questionSet["A"]),
"B: {}".format(questionSet["B"]),
"C: {}".format(questionSet["C"]),
"D: {}".format(questionSet["D"])],
["You can choose one of the options.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")
# If question set of boolean type
receivedMessage = askSomething(5, [questionSet["Question"],
"A: {}".format(questionSet["A"]),
"B: {}".format(questionSet["B"])],
["You can choose one of the options.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")

if (receivedMessage[0].casefold() == questionSet["corrAnswer"].casefold()):
sendMessage("Congratulations! That was the right answer!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)
Score += 1
sendMessage("Nice try, but that's not the right answer.", False)
sendMessage("The right answer was {} ({})."
questionSet[questionSet["corrAnswer"]]), False)
sendMessage("I know you can get the next one!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)


# Say hi to client and get name
@@ -171,14 +210,27 @@ clientName = askSomething(1, ["Hi! I am Jeff.", "I can give really nice challang

sendMessage("YOURNAMEWILLBE " + clientName, False)

sendMessage("So, {}, I will teach you something today!"
.format(clientName.title()), False)
message = askSomething(0, ["So, {}, I will teach you something today!"
.format(clientName.title()), "Would you like a challenge or have any questions?"],
["You can ask for a Question challenge",
"If you want you could go for a Quiz Challenge!"], None)

while True:
if (type(message) == str and "question challange".casefold() in message.casefold()):
elif (type(message) == str and "quiz challange".casefold() in message.casefold()):
nr = askSomething(0, ["How many questions would you like to answer?"],
["Just pick a number."], "5")

score = quizChallange(int(nr))

sendMessage("You got {} of {} quesions right!".format(score, nr), False)
elif (message == "END"):

cont = True
while cont:

# Get questions for user
cont = qChallenge()
message = askSomething(0, ["If you want you can ask anything else!"],
["You can choose more Questions to challenge your self."], None)

sendMessage("See you next time! Bye!")

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