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mateussa committed Nov 15, 2017
1 parent d595663 commit 4cdd406b6ff83bc707470fb16c462ef4eb594be0
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@@ -4,16 +4,6 @@ import random
from DataAPI import getQuestion, getCategories
from determineUserInput import determineUserInput

# Create Socket and bind server to socket
thisSocket = socket.socket()
thisSocket.bind(("", 5001))
# Listen for clients
# Connect to client
conn, addr = thisSocket.accept()
print ("The Connection ip is : " + str(addr))

def sendMessage(message, EOM = True):
''' Given a message input, and a False value, send the message and the
client keeps wayting for another message '''
@@ -196,8 +186,21 @@ def quizChallange(nrQuestions):
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)


#### CONNECTION ####

# Create Socket and bind server to socket
thisSocket = socket.socket()
thisSocket.bind(("", 5001))
# Listen for clients
# Connect to client
conn, addr = thisSocket.accept()
print ("The Connection ip is : " + str(addr))


# Say hi to client and get name
clientName = askSomething(1, ["Hi! I am Jeff.", "I can give really nice challanges!", "What's your name?"],
@@ -216,11 +219,11 @@ while True:
elif (type(message) == str and "quiz challange".casefold() in message.casefold()):
nr = askSomething(0, ["How many questions would you like to answer?"],
["Just pick a number."], "5")
["Pick a number between 2 and 50."], "5")

score = quizChallange(int(nr))

sendMessage("You got {} of {} quesions right!".format(score, nr), False)
sendMessage("You got {} out of {} quesions right!".format(score, nr), False)
elif (message == "END"):

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