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Fixed some bugs on executeDo() and executeAre(). decapitalised some l…
…etters as well.
  • Loading branch information
dahilj committed Nov 22, 2017
1 parent 61dcd86 commit 1bdd55b5d59d7c872fa7f211daf3592a98391bef
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 19 deletions.
@@ -210,18 +210,20 @@ def executeCan(sentence):

def executeAre(sentence):
sentenceParse = sentence.split()
#made an array of pronouns
pronoun = ["he","she","man","woman","boy","girl","male","female"]
""" Given a string which starts with 'are', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""
if "you alive" in sentence:
response = "Yes, I'm alive. I'm talking to you right now."
elif "alright" in sentence:
response = "Yes, I am " + random.choice(feelingList) + ", thanks."

elif "a boy or a girl" in sentence:
response = "My name is Jeff so I'm a boy I guess. "
elif "you real" in sentence:
response = "I'm talking to you so I exist so yes, I'm real. "
elif "a robot" in sentence or "a human" in sentence or "a alien" in sentence:
response = "Actually I'm a chatbot."
elif sentenceParse[3] in pronoun: #put to last because if sentenceParse doesnt have a index[3], runtime error occurs
response = "My name is Jeff so I'm a boy I guess. "
response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)

@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ def executeWho(sentence):
response = "Donald Trump has become the 45th President of the USA since 2016."
elif "god" in sentence:
response = "Einstein believed in a God represented by order, harmony, beauty, simplicity and elegance."
elif "am I" in sentence:
elif "am i" in sentence:
response = "You're a human, silly guy."
elif "made you" in sentence or "created you" in sentence or "founded you" in sentence:
response = "My founders are Jasper, Andres, Suraj and Delia."
@@ -267,17 +269,22 @@ def executeWho(sentence):

def executeDo(sentence):
""" Given a string which starts with 'do', returns a string which is an answer to the user's question"""

if "like me" in sentence or "love me" in sentence:
response = "Not really. You are just a human. "
elif "programming" in sentence or "computing" in sentence:
response = "Of course! Due of it I'm alive."
elif "have brain" in sentence:
response = "No, I'm a robot. "
elif "like someone" in sentence:
response = "I like Rihanna, she is a really good singer. "
elif "love someone" in sentence:
response = "I'm a narcissist so I love myself."
sentenceParse = sentence.split()
if "like" in sentence or "love" in sentence:
if "me" in sentence:
response = "Not really. You are just a human."
elif "programming" in sentence or "computing" in sentence:
response = "Of course! Due of it I'm alive."
elif "like someone" in sentence:
response = "I like Rihanna, she is a really good singer. "
elif "love someone" in sentence:
response = "I'm a narcissist so I love myself."
response = random.choice(["I do not like/love","I truly like/love","I really love/like","I hate","I like","I love"])
for i in range(len(sentenceParse) - 3):
response = response + " " + str(sentenceParse[i + 3])
elif "brain" in sentence:
response = "No, I'm a robot."
response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)

@@ -444,8 +451,9 @@ def reformatSentence(sentence, operatorType):
# ----------------------------------------

if (__name__ == "__main__"):

userInput = input("Input a question: \n")

while True:
userInput = input("Input a question: \n")
if userInput == "stop":

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