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fixed the 'are you male/are you a male' questions ...
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dahilj committed Nov 22, 2017
1 parent 1bdd55b commit 173530bbe07b5a271a4cd0f12e8e15f1fb2d9d9e
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def executeAre(sentence):
response = "I'm talking to you so I exist so yes, I'm real. "
elif "a robot" in sentence or "a human" in sentence or "a alien" in sentence:
response = "Actually I'm a chatbot."
elif sentenceParse[3] in pronoun: #put to last because if sentenceParse doesnt have a index[3], runtime error occurs
elif sentenceParse[2] in pronoun or sentenceParse[3] in pronoun: #put to last because if sentenceParse doesnt have a index[3], runtime error occurs
response = "My name is Jeff so I'm a boy I guess. "
response = getGoogleSearch(sentence)

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