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291 lines (232 sloc) 12.3 KB
import socket
import time
import random
from DataAPI import getQuestion, getCategories, getBirthday, getHistory, getQuote
from determineUserInput import determineUserInput
def sendMessage(message, EOM = True): # Andre
''' Given a message input, and a False value, send the message and the
client keeps wayting for another message '''
resp = ""
while (resp != "Received"): # Check if the client received the message.
conn.send(str(message).encode()) # Send message to client.
print("SERVER: {}".format(message)) # Print the message sent.
resp = conn.recv(1024).decode() # Waits for client feedback
if (EOM): # If this is the last message to be sent
conn.send("EndOfMessage".encode()) # Send a key word to the client to stop listening
def receiveMessage(): # Andre
''' Receive a message from the client and check if received correctly,
returns the message '''
message = conn.recv(1024).decode()
if not message: # If message is empty, try to receive again
sendMessage("Sorry, I couldn't get that, can you repeat?")
message = conn.recv(1024).decode()
if not message: # If message is empty again, send message and exit
sendMessage("Sorry, I not able to receive that, plese try again another day.")
if (message != "END"): # Check if the user want to end the conversation
print ("CLIENT: {}".format(message))
answerUserInput = determineUserInput(message)
answerUserInput = message
def askSomething(answerType, sendMessages, noAnswers, defaultAnswer): # Andre
''' With input of the type of answer code expected and a list of messages to send,
another of sentences if not expected answer, and the default fallback
answer returns the answer to the question '''
for i, item in enumerate(sendMessages): # Send all the messages to client
sendMessage(item, (True if i == len(sendMessages) - 1 else False))
answer = receiveMessage()
if (type(answer) != tuple): # If the answer if for exemple "END" just return it
while ((answer[1] != answerType or answer[0] == "") and len(noAnswers) > 0):
if(answerType == -1):
for cat in sendMessages:
if (cat.casefold() in answer[0].casefold()):
answer = (cat, -1)
if (answer[1] == 2): # If the user asked a question
if (type(answer[0]) == tuple): # Send two messages, i.e. the text and the link of the google search
sendMessage(answer[0][0], False)
sendMessage(answer[0][1], False)
sendMessage(answer[0], False)
elif (answer[1] == 5): # If the user doesn't want to answer
sendMessage("You should, it would be more fun!")
noAnswers.pop(len(noAnswers) - 1)
elif (answer[1] != answerType):
sendMessage("Sorry I didn't undertood that.", False)
sendMessage("Can you repeat please.")
noAnswers.pop(len(noAnswers) - 1)
answer = receiveMessage()
if (answer[1] != answerType):
if (answer[1] == 2):
sendMessage(answer[0], False)
answer = (defaultAnswer, 0)
return (answer[0])
def oneQuestion(qType): # Andre
''' Input of type of question as string Output a set of
a question of that type '''
if (qType == "OpentDB"):
cat = getCategories(True, 3)
if ("Error" in cat):
sendMessage("{}: {}".format(cat[0], cat[1]), False)
receivedMessage = askSomething(-1, ["Pick a subject.", cat[0], cat[1], cat[2]],
["You can choose a category from the list above, like 'Music'.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "Any")
receivedMessage = "" # Create the variable anyway, because it can be another type of question
# Get a question and answers, from the user choice
questionSet = getQuestion(receivedMessage, "", 1, qType)[0]
if ("Error" in questionSet):
sendMessage("{}: {}".format(questionSet[0], questionSet[1]), False)
# If question set of Multiple type
if (questionSet["Type"] == "Multiple"):
receivedMessage = askSomething(3, [questionSet["Question"],
"A: {}".format(questionSet["A"]),
"B: {}".format(questionSet["B"]),
"C: {}".format(questionSet["C"]),
"D: {}".format(questionSet["D"])],
["You can choose one of the options.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")
# If question set of Boolean type
elif (questionSet["Type"] == "Bollean"):
receivedMessage = askSomething(3, [questionSet["Question"],
"A: {}".format(questionSet["A"]),
"B: {}".format(questionSet["B"])],
["You can choose one of the options.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")
# If question set of Birthday or History or Quote type
elif (questionSet["Type"] in ["Birthday"], "History", "Quote"):
receivedMessage = askSomething(0, [questionSet["Question"]],
["You can try a random answer if felling lucky.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")
questionSet[receivedMessage.upper()] = receivedMessage
if (questionSet[receivedMessage.upper()] == questionSet["corrAnswer"]):
sendMessage("Congratulations! That was the right answer!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)
sendMessage("Nice try, but that's not the right answer.", False)
sendMessage("The right answer was {}.".format(questionSet["corrAnswer"]), False)
sendMessage("I know you can get the next one!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)
def quizChallenge(nrQuestions): # Andre
''' With input of a number of questions, output a list of question sets
with the lenght of the choosen input '''
if (nrQuestions < 1 or nrQuestions > 50):
sendMessage("For a Quiz challenge ou have to choose between 2 and 50 quesitons.")
cat = getCategories(True, 3)
if ("Error" in cat):
sendMessage("{}: {}".format(cat[0], cat[1]), False)
receivedMessage = askSomething(-1, ["Pick a subject.", cat[0], cat[1], cat[2]],
["You can choose a category from the list above, like 'Music'.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "Any")
# Get a question and answers, from the user choice
qChaSet = getQuestion(receivedMessage, "", nrQuestions)
if ("Error" in qChaSet):
sendMessage("{}: {}".format(qChaSet[0], qChaSet[1]), False)
Score = 0 # Initialize the variable to keep track of the right answers
for questionSet in qChaSet:
# If question set of multiple type
if (questionSet["Type"] == "Multiple"):
receivedMessage = askSomething(3, [questionSet["Question"],
"A: {}".format(questionSet["A"]),
"B: {}".format(questionSet["B"]),
"C: {}".format(questionSet["C"]),
"D: {}".format(questionSet["D"])],
["You can choose one of the options.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")
# If question set of boolean type
receivedMessage = askSomething(3, [questionSet["Question"],
"A: {}".format(questionSet["A"]),
"B: {}".format(questionSet["B"])],
["You can choose one of the options.",
"Hmmm, I see you are afraid of making a mistake."], "X")
if (questionSet[receivedMessage.upper()] == questionSet["corrAnswer"]):
sendMessage("Congratulations! That was the right answer!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)
Score += 1
sendMessage("Nice try, but that's not the right answer.", False)
sendMessage("The right answer was {}.".format(questionSet["corrAnswer"]), False)
sendMessage("I know you can get the next one!!", False)
sendMessage("-" * 50, False)
def funFacts(): # Andre
''' With no input, output one fun fact '''
fType = random.choice(["Birthday", "History", "Quote"])
if (fType == "Birthday"):
fact = getBirthday()[0]
sendMessage("I know that {} was born in {}.".format(fact["Name"], fact["Date"]), False)
elif (fType == "History"):
fact = getHistory()[0]
sendMessage("I found that '{}' in {}.".format(fact["Event"], fact["Date"]), False)
elif (fType == "Quote"):
fact = getQuote()[0]
sendMessage("I know that {} said '{}'.".format(fact["Name"], fact["Quote"]), False)
# Start server #
# #
# #
# Create Socket and bind server to socket
thisSocket = socket.socket()
thisSocket.bind(("", 5001))
# Listen for clients
# Connect to client
conn, addr = thisSocket.accept()
print ("The Connection ip is : " + str(addr))
# Say hi to client and get name
clientName = askSomething(1, ["Hi! I am Jeff.", "I can give really nice challenges!", "What's your name?"],
["I would prefer to know your name.",
"I see you don't want to tell me."], "Mr. Nobody")
if (clientName == "END"):
sendMessage("See you next time! Bye!")
sendMessage("YOURNAMEWILLBE " + clientName, False)
message = askSomething(0, ["So, {}, I will teach you something today!".format(clientName.title()),
"Would you like a 'challenge' or maybe just a 'fun fact'?"],
["You can ask for a 'Question challenge' or even a 'fun fact'.",
"If you want you could go for a 'Quiz Challenge'!"], None)
while True:
if (type(message) == str and "question challenge".casefold() in message.casefold()):
elif (type(message) == str and "quiz challenge".casefold() in message.casefold()):
nr = askSomething(0, ["How many questions would you like to answer?"],
["Pick a number between 2 and 50."], "5")
score = quizChallenge(int(nr))
sendMessage("You got {} out of {} quesions right!".format(score, nr), False)
elif (type(message) == str and "birthday challenge".casefold() in message.casefold()):
elif (type(message) == str and "history challenge".casefold() in message.casefold()):
elif (type(message) == str and "quote challenge".casefold() in message.casefold()):
elif (type(message) == str and "fun fact".casefold() in message.casefold()):
elif (type(message) == str and "challenge".casefold() in message.casefold()):
message = askSomething(0, ["You can ask for a question, quiz, history, birthday or quote challenge."],
["You can ask me anything else, I will try to help you."], None)
elif (message == "END"):
message = askSomething(0, ["If you want you can ask anything!"],
["You can ask me anything, I will try to help you."], None)
sendMessage("See you next time! Bye!")