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%This is my visualition code for 5011CEM.
%The packages required for this code to run are: Map Viewer
%The files required in the same directory for this code are: (the 24 combined file from moodle.)
%Colorblind Reference (default colormaps) :
%% file used for the data visualised in graph. contains the ozone data over 24 hours for multiple ozone models. this is overlayed over the map.
ncfile = ''; %variable for the .nc file used
b = 1; %bool value
c = 1; %bool value
ncdisp(ncfile); %displays info about the file in the terminal. not necessary but useful for reference.
if (c == 1) %% if statement for the menu. Menu allows the user to choose which ozone model they would like to view whilst also assigning their choice to title.
modelchoice = menu('Which model would you like to see?', 'Chimere', 'Emep', 'Ensemble', 'Eurad','Lotoseuros','Match','Mocage','Silam'); %% options that are shown in the menu.
if modelchoice == 1
ozone_choice = ('chimere_ozone');
titlechoice = 'chimere_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 2
ozone_choice = ('emep_ozone');
titlechoice = 'emep_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 3
ozone_choice = ('ensemble_ozone');
titlechoice = 'ensemble_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 4
ozone_choice = ('eurad_ozone');
titlechoice = 'eurad_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 5
ozone_choice = ('lotoseuros_ozone');
titlechoice = 'lotoseuros_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 6
ozone_choice = ('match_ozone');
titlechoice = 'match_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 7
ozone_choice = ('mocage_ozone');
titlechoice = 'mocage_ozone';
elseif modelchoice == 8
ozone_choice = ('silam_ozone');
titlechoice = 'silam_ozone';
c = 0;
ozone_end = ncread(ncfile, ozone_choice); % reads one specific model from the combined file depending on the user choice in the menu above.
lon = ncread(ncfile,'lon'); %% variable for lon variable
lat = ncread(ncfile,'lat'); %% variable for lat variable
time = ncread(ncfile,'hour'); %% time variable
noofhours = length(time) ; %% length variable for time to be used in loop below.
[X,Y] = meshgrid(lon,lat) ;
figure('Name', titlechoice,'NumberTitle','off'); %%formats the figure info shown
set(gcf, 'Position', get(0, 'Screensize')); %% sets the figure to fullscreen
for i = 1:noofhours %% this for loop runs the graph and menus that the user interacts with
map = pcolor(X,Y,ozone_end(:,:,i)') ; %% sets up the data that is overlayed over the map.
map.EdgeAlpha = 0;
ylabel('Longitude') %% Y Axis Label
xlabel('Latitude') %% X Axis label
if (b == 1) %menu goes down once option has been picked and b value is set to 0.
info = menu('Color Accessibility Options', 'Default', 'Protanopia (red weakness)','Deuteranopia (green weakness)','Tritanopia (blue/yellow weakness)','Monochromacy');
if info == 1
colormap default;
elseif info == 2
colormap winter; %%stands out the most for Protanopia based on figure linked above.
elseif info == 3
colormap cool; %%stands out the most for Deuteranopia based on figure linked above.
elseif info == 4
colormap copper; %%stands out the most for Tritanopia based on figure linked above.
elseif info == 5
colormap bone; %%Greyscale Option
b = 0;
UIControl_FontSize_bak = get(0, 'DefaultUIControlFontSize');
set(0, 'DefaultUIControlFontSize', 30); %% only way to change text size in menu. only works on consecutive runs of the code, not the first.
cities = shaperead('worldcities', 'UseGeoCoords', true); %%shows landmark cities
geoshow(cities, 'Marker', '.', 'Color', 'red')
c = colorbar; % shows a colorbar relative to the colormap being used on the figure on the righthand side of the map. Can be toggled via figure options.
c.Label.String = 'Ozone Levels';
load coast;
hold on;
C = load('coast'); % loads the coast for the map.
plot(C.long,,'k') %plots the map
shading interp ;
title(sprintf('The time is : %f',time(i))) %% title for each hour is shown each loop above the map.
pause(0.1) %% this is the pause between each hour shown. not actually 0.1 seconds however due to hardware limitations.