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#Code by: Mazikeen El Bezra, ID: 10832578, documentation used:,
import discord # import to use discord's api
from discord.ext import commands #extension library for higher level interactions with the API
import requests #import request package which is used to import HTTP requests
import json
key= "&apikey=352a18cc5baa9cd34bd6fc0aa20c3401" #API key used to access the music API
url="" #music API URL
#The command prefix is what the message content must contain initially to have a command invoked
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='-')
#A decorator that registers an event to listen to.
async def on_ready(): #Called when login is successful
print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client))
channel = client.get_channel(781865007003467806) #Returns a channel in which the bot is in with the given ID.
await channel.send('Hello! Welcome to musikbot! send "-helpme" to see what i can do!') #Sends a message to the previosly called channel
'''command to print the instructions message when it's called'''
async def helpme(context):
guide = discord.Embed(title='What do i do?', description="I'm a music bot! Enter the following commands to use me!", color= 0xFE2E2E)
guide.add_field(name='-lyrics', value='get first 30% of lyrics for a song!', inline='False')
guide.add_field(name='-top_songs', value='get the top chart songs!', inline=False)
guide.add_field(name='-top_artists', value='get the top chart artists!', inline=False)
guide.add_field(name='-artists_recc', value='reccomend you artists similar to the one you enter!', inline=False)
'''lyrics command'''
async def lyrics(context):
await"Welcome to the lyrics search! What's the name of the song?")
async def on_message(text): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537: #checks user's id, uses message input only if it's sent from someone other than the bot
song= text.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method call
await"What's the name of the artist? ")
await client.process_commands(text) #this function processes the command that has been registered to the bot
async def on_message(message): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537 and message.content.startswith('-')==False: #checks that message input isnt taken from bot and that user isn't calling another command
artist= message.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
api= url + "matcher.lyrics.get" + "?format=json&callback=callback" + "&q_artist=" + artist + "&q_track=" + song + key #calls music api method
request = requests.get(api) #sends a GET request to the specified url to get data from server
data = request.json() #parse it as a JSON object
lyricsss= data['message']['body']['lyrics']['lyrics_body'] #access object lyrics and return the required object value
return await #this function processes the command that has been registered to the bot
await client.process_commands(message)#this function processes the command that has been registered to the bot
'''command to return top songs '''
async def top_songs(context):
await"Hello! Welcome to top songs chart! how many songs would you like to view?")
async def on_message(message): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537:
amount= message.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
await"Please enter what country's charts would you like to view (i.e: us for america, uk for united kingdom, eg for egypt etc.)")
async def on_message(text): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537 and text.content.startswith('-')==False: #checks that message input isnt taken from bot and that user isn't calling another command
country= text.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
charturl= url+ "chart.tracks.get"+ "?format=json&callback=callback" + "page=1&page_size=" + amount + "&country=" + country + key #calls music api method
request = requests.get(charturl) #sends a GET request to the specified url to get data from server
data = request.json() #parse it as a JSON object
##for loop used to access the 'track list' object and return two object values, the song name and artist name
for i in data['message']['body']['track_list']:
await"Song title: "+i['track']['track_name']+" -> Artist: "+i['track']['artist_name'])
await client.process_commands(text) #this function processes the command that has been registered to the bot
''' command to return top artists'''
async def top_artists(context):
await"Hello! Welcome to top artists chart! how many artists would you like to view?")
async def on_message(message): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537:
amount= message.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
await"Please enter what country's charts would you like to view (i.e: us for america, uk for united kingdom, eg for egypt etc.")
async def on_message(text): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537 and text.content.startswith('-')==False: #checks that message input isnt taken from bot and that user isn't calling another command
country= text.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
charturl= url+ "chart.artists.get"+ "?format=json&callback=callback" + "page=1&page_size=" + amount + "&country=" + country + key #calls music api method
request = requests.get(charturl) #sends a GET request to the specified url to get data from server
data = request.json() #parse it as a JSON object
# #for loop used to access the 'artist list' object and return artist names
for i in data['message']['body']['artist_list']:
await client.process_commands(text) #this function processes the command that has been registered to the bot
'''command to return reccomended artists based on chosen artist'''
async def artist_recc(context):
await"Hello! Welcome to artist reccomendation! Tell me who's your inspiration!")
async def on_message(message): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537:
artist= message.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
artistsearch= url + '' + '?format=json&callback=callback' + '&q_artist=' + artist + key #calls music api method
request = requests.get(artistsearch) #sends a GET request to the specified url to get data from server
data = request.json() #parse it as a JSON object
# #retrieves the artist id from json and saves it as a variable
await'How many reccomendations would you like?')
async def on_message(text): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537 and text.content.startswith('-')==False: #checks that message input isnt taken from bot and that user isn't calling another command
number= text.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
related= url + 'artist.related.get'+ '?format=json&callback=callback' + '&artist_id=' + artist_id + '&page_size=' +number + key #calls music api method
request = requests.get(related) #sends a GET request to the specified url to get data from server
data = request.json() #parse it as a JSON object
##for loop used to access the 'artist list' object and return its object values
for i in data['message']['body']['artist_list']:
await"would you like their rating? enter yes or no")
async def on_message(reply): #Called when a Message is created and sent.
if != 781194607157313537 and text.content.startswith('-')==False: #checks that message input isnt taken from bot and that user isn't calling another command
twit= reply.content #saves message for it to be used as part of the music api method cal
if twit=='yes':
#loop to access 'artist list' object and return the rating
for i in data['message']['body']['artist_list']:
await['artist']['artist_name']+" is ranked " + str(i['artist']['artist_rating']))
await client.process_commands(reply) #this function processes the command that has been registered to the bot
#test'NzgxMTk0NjA3MTU3MzEzNTM3.X76GLA.39vqlezgZKW9gR8hGCTYOFy8ing') #run the bot with login token