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#[[ CMake references - ]]
#[[ Navigate to ./build/ folder and run `cmake ..` to configure the project,
then `cmake --build .` to build it. ]]
# Minimum CMake version - can be set to (VERSION x ... y) to allow range of versions
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17) # This project has only been tested on 3.19.4
# Set project name, version, description and code language
project(FantasyRPG VERSION 1.0
DESCRIPTION "Fantasy role playing game for 4007CEM - Activity Led Learning Project. Faisal Al Dulaimy, James Askew, Sophia Dukhota, Kurtis Ebanks, Jaanus Koppel"
#[[ To compile project which is split across multiple folders, the sub-directories must be added here.
add_subdirectory(<name of folder>) ]]
target_include_directories(display PUBLIC "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src")
#[[ Have executable files written into a specific folder. Building in debug or release mode will create sub-folders.
${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} - top level of CMake source tree
/bin - desired folder relative to the above location ]]
#[[ Add executable details
add_executable(<name of executable> <source file> <more source files if needed>)
(header files can be listed for visibility but are ignored) ]]
add_executable(main main.cpp)
#[[ Libraries must be linked into executable otherwise they will not be included.
target_link_libraries(<CMake target> <desired library> <more libraries if needed>)
e.g: target_link_libraries(game creatures items creatures) ]]
target_link_libraries(main display)
# target_link_libraries(workshop container placeholders) # comment out this line if it hasn't already been
# add_executable(window src/display/main.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(window display)
# Use CMake's testing tool - CTest