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aa7401 committed Mar 16, 2019
1 parent d34a019 commit 81a6fc6264f8e8e79ce78f2f968fe27332d7b09f
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@@ -126,12 +126,9 @@ request.get( url, (err, res, body) => {

Take a few moments to make sure you fully understand the syntax, you will be seeing a lot of this over the next few weeks.

#### 1.3.2 Test Your Understanding
### 1.3.2 Test Your Understanding

Lets apply our knowledge of callbacks to implement a simple quotes tool.

1. Create a json-formatted text file called `quotes.json` containing 10 quotes, you can find lots of these on websites such as [brainyquotes]( Each quote should include the quote and the author.
2. Create a callback function that uses the [`fs.readfile()`]( function to read the contents of the file and display the quotes (but not the authors) in the terminal window.

## 2 Objects

@@ -210,6 +207,16 @@ const grade = employee.grade || 'A'

This will retrieve the value of the grade property if defined and store it in the `const` variable. If this property is missing the `const` variable will contain the string `'A'`.

#### 2.2.1 Test Your Understanding

Lets apply our knowledge of callbacks to implement a simple quotes tool.

1. Create a json-formatted text file called `quotes.json` containing 10 quotes, you can find lots of these on websites such as [brainyquotes]( Each quote should include the quote and the author.
2. Create a new script called `quotes.js` and use the [`fs.readfile()`]( function to read the contents of the file and display it in the terminal.
3. The contents of the file is a utf8 string, use `JSON.parse()` to convert this into a JavaScript object (array) and print this to the terminal instead.
4. Create a loop to iterate through the array, printing the contents of each index.
5. Modify the code so that it only prints the quotes string (not the entire object).

#### 2.3.1 ECMA6 Object Destructuring

In ECMA6 is is possible to extract multiple pieces of data into separate variables by destructuring using an _object pattern_. This is syntactically similar to creating object literals (see the example below).
File renamed without changes.

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