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'use strict'
const Database = require('sqlite-async')
const table = require('../dbTables')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const mime = require('mime-types')
const sharp = require('sharp')
module.exports = class Question {
* Creates a new Question
* @module Question
* @classdesc this class allows a user to insert a question including uploading a picture
* and then coverting that picture to a thumbnail
constructor(dbName = ':memory:') {
return (async() => {
this.db = await
return this
* @function getAllQuestions
* @async
* @param {string} query - Used by the sql query to find question titles containing this parameter.
* @returns {object} data - which contains the question id,title and image.
* @example
* getAllQuestions('Zelda')
async getAllQuestions(query) {
let sql = `SELECT questions.*, AS user_name FROM questions
INNER JOIN users ON = questions.user_id;`
if(query !== undefined && !== undefined) {
sql = `SELECT questions.*, AS user_name FROM questions
INNER JOIN users ON = questions.user_id WHERE upper(title) LIKE "%${}%";`
const data = await this.db.all(sql)
return data
async getAllUserId() {
const sql = `SELECT, AS user_name FROM questions
INNER JOIN users ON = questions.user_id;`
const data = await this.db.all(sql)
return data
* @function getOneQuestion
* @async
* @param {string} id - id of the question being searched for.
* @returns {object} question - which contains the question id,title and image.
* @example
* getOneQuestion('2')
async getOneQuestion(id) {
try {
const sql = `SELECT * FROM questions WHERE id = "${id}";`
const question = await this.db.get(sql)
if (question === undefined) throw new Error('Entry not found')
return question
} catch (err) {
throw err
* @function currentDate
* @async
* @param {class} today - a class containing the date.
* @returns {string} today - the date today as a string.
async currentDate(today) {
const dd = today.getDate().toString()
const mm = (today.getMonth()+1).toString() //As January is 0.
const yyyy = today.getFullYear()
today = dd.concat( '/',mm,'/',yyyy)
return today
* @function insertQuestion
* @async
* @param {object} question - contains the question title, body, date and userID.
* @returns {true} if there are no errors when inserting the question
* @returns {Error} If the title is empty, more than 50 character or the question is empty.
async insertQuestion(request, session, date) {
const limit = 50
if(request.title === '') throw new Error('Title cannot be left empty')
if(request.title.length >= limit) throw new Error('Title cannot be more than 50 characters')
if(request.body === '') throw new Error('Question cannot be left empty')
const sql = `INSERT INTO questions(title, body, date, user_id)
VALUES("${request.title}", "${request.body}", "${date}", "${}");`
return true
}catch(err) {
throw err
* @function setVarforPicture
* @async
* @param {object} data - the data object of the picture being uploaded.
* @param {string} mimeType - the mime type for the extenstion of the file, which is image/png.
* @returns {object} data - the data object including the extection and paths.
* @example
* setVarforPicture(data,'image/png')
async setVarforPicture(data, mimeType) {
data.extension = mime.extension(mimeType)
const QuestionId = await'select last_insert_rowid()')
data.QuestionId = QuestionId.lastID
let imageName = data.title.split(' ')
imageName = imageName[0]
data.imageName = imageName.concat('.',data.extension)
data.paths = {
filePath: `public/images/questions/${data.QuestionId}/${imageName}.${data.extension}`,
thumbPath: `public/images/questions/thumb/${data.QuestionId}/${imageName}.${data.extension}`
return data
* @function savePicture
* @async
* @param {object} data - the data object of the picture being uploaded.
* @returns {true} if the picture is saved with no errors.
* @returns {Error} if copying the file to the path fails.
* This function copies the file being uploaded to the file path and the thumbnail to the thumb path.
async savePicture(data) {
await fs.copy(data.path, data.paths.filePath)
await fs.copy(data.path, data.paths.thumbPath)
const sql = `UPDATE questions SET image = "${data.imageName}" WHERE id = ${data.QuestionId}`
} catch(err) {
throw err
* @function solved
* @async
* @param {object} data - the data object of the question being uploaded.
* @returns {true} when the sql command is executed.
* This function copies the file being uploaded to the file path and the thumbnail to the thumb path.
async solved(data) {
const sql = `UPDATE questions SET solved = '1' WHERE id = ${data.questionID}`
return true
* @function convertThumbnail
* @async
* @param {object} data - the data object of the picture being uploaded.
* @returns {Object} - thumb the thumbail data generated by sharp.
* This function resizes the picture to a thumbnail and saves a copy of it.
async convertThumbnail(data) {
const thumb = await sharp(data.paths.filePath)
.resize({width: 360, height: 240})
return thumb
} catch(err) {
throw err
* @function uploadPicture
* @async
* @param {string} data - the data object of the picture being uploaded.
* @param {string} mimeType - the mime type for the extenstion of the file, which is image/png.
* @returns {data} the data of the picture being uploaded now including the extension.
* @returns {Error} 'Invalid Filetype, file must be PNG' if the file is of a different file type than png.
* @example
* setVarforPicture(data,'image/png')
async uploadPicture(data, mimeType) {
data = await this.setVarforPicture(data, mimeType)
if(data.filetype.includes('image/')) {
await this.savePicture(data)
return data
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid Filetype')
} catch(err) {
throw err
* @function __testData
* @async
* @returns {user} creates a dummy user in the in-memory db in order to run the required unit tests.
async __testData() {
await'INSERT INTO users(name, username, password) VALUES("Wallef", "username", "password");')