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#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
#include "libsqlite.hpp"
#include "InGameMenu.cpp"
#include "md5.h"
// this funcition to encrypt the password, i did some research on internet, is not mine.
string hashPassword(string password)
string ecryptedPassword;
ecryptedPassword = md5(password) ;
return ecryptedPassword;
// this funcition is simply to insert into the database ( creates the team for each player when registing)
int createTeam(int Player_ID, string teamName, sqlite::sqlite &db )
//sqlite::sqlite db( "ball.sqlite" );
auto cur = db.get_statement();
cur->set_sql( "INSERT INTO MyTeam (Player_ID, TeamName) VALUES (?,?);" );
cur->bind( 1, Player_ID );
cur->bind( 2, teamName );
return 0;
// First menu, this will be showed when u start
char menuu()
char choice;
cout << "*******************************\n";
cout << " 1 - Login."<< endl;
cout << " 2 - Register "<< endl;
cout << " 3 - Credits."<< endl;
cout << " 4 - Exit."<< endl;
cout << " Enter your choice and press return: ";
cin >> choice;
} // end of do while
while (choice >'4' || choice<'0' );
//if (choice == '1')
switch (choice)
case '1':
string username, password, ecryptedPassword;
bool Blog = false;
// login part
cout << "*******************************\n";
cout << "ID: ";
cin >> username ;
cout << "Password: ";
cin >> password ;
cout << "Checking Data..." << endl ;
ecryptedPassword = hashPassword(password);
// cheking on the data base
sqlite::sqlite db( "ball.sqlite" );
auto cur = db.get_statement();
cur->set_sql( "SELECT Player_ID FROM Player "
"WHERE UserName = ? AND Password = ?;" );
cur->bind( 1, username );
cur->bind( 2, ecryptedPassword );
int result= cur->step();
int Player_ID = cur->get_int(0); // to get the playerID (unique identification on DB)
if (result == true){
cout<<"login Successful"<<endl;
MenuGame(Player_ID, db); // if the login sucesful it goes to the InGameMenu
return Player_ID; // returning to the main the Player ID
cout<<"Username or password are wrong"<<endl << "Try Again" << endl;
goto logs;
} //end else case
catch( sqlite::exception e )
cerr << e.what() << endl;
return 1;
case '2':
string username, email, password, veriyPassword, teamName, ecryptedPassword;
// login part
cout << "ID: ";
cin >> username ;
cout << "Password: ";
cin >> password ;
cout << "Insert tha same password" << endl ;
cout << "Repeat Password: ";
cin >> veriyPassword ;
while(password != veriyPassword);
cout << "Email: ";
cin >> email ;
cout << "Team Name: ";
cin >> teamName ;
cout << "Processing Data" << endl ;
cout << ""<< endl;
//check if already took the same user name or email
sqlite::sqlite db( "ball.sqlite" );
auto cur = db.get_statement();
cur->set_sql( "SELECT * FROM Player "
"WHERE UserName = ? OR Email = ?;" );
cur->bind( 1, username );
cur->bind( 2, email );
int result= cur->step();
if (result == true)
cout<<"The username or email are already in use! Try Again With diferrent details"<<endl;
goto regist;
}//end of if case
else // if no one already took that usarname or email, is going to regist him
ecryptedPassword = hashPassword(password); // ecrypting the password
//registin part
cur = db.get_statement();
cur->set_sql( "INSERT INTO Player (UserName, Email,Password) "
"VALUES (?, ?,?);" );
cur->bind( 1, username );
cur->bind( 2, email );
cur->bind( 3, ecryptedPassword );
cout<<"Registed Successful"<<endl;
//to get the Player_ID (unique identification on database)
cur = db.get_statement();
cur->set_sql( "SELECT Player_ID FROM Player "
"WHERE UserName = ? AND Password = ?;" );
cur->bind( 1, username );
cur->bind( 2, ecryptedPassword );
int Player_ID = cur->get_int(0);
//cur = NULL;
createTeam(Player_ID,teamName, db); // create the team for the player (inserting in dabase)
// end of getting the ID
goto MainMenu;
}//end of else
}// end of try block
catch( sqlite::exception e )
cerr << e.what() << endl;
return 1;
} // if registatin fails
// if checking if the user already exists fails
case '3':
cout << "Group E7"<< endl;
cout << "Gheorghe Craciun"<< endl;
goto MainMenu;
case '4':
cout << "End of Program."<< endl;
cout << "Not a Valid Choice."<< endl;
cout << "Choose again."<< endl;
goto MainMenu;
}// end of menu