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import json
import requests
import time
import urllib
import configparser
import logging
import random
#credit for these tutorials which helped when creating LunaWei:
#emoji source
#weather api source
#jokes found at:
#facts found at:
lunatoken = " "
OWM_KEY = " "
news = ["", "", "", "", ""]
greetings = ["hello \U0001F60B", "hello", "hi \U0001F61B", "hi", "what's up", "hey", "hi!", "hola", ]
inline_bot = " Hey some cool bots that already exist and might be useful are :\n @gif/@coub to search for GIF\n@youtube/@vid to search videos on Youtube\n@bing/@pic to search images on Bing and Yandex\n@wiki to search for information on Wikipedia (opens link)\n@imdb to search movies info on IMDB\n@sticker to search for stickers using available emoji\n@dictrobot/@exactlyappbot to search for English dictionary definitions of words\n@iLyricsBot to search for Lyrics to any song\n@lutilbot to translate words/sentences into over 70 languages using InLine Translator\n@gamee/@gamebot to get a list of available Telegram games which play in-app"
bye = ["bye \U0001F44B","bye", "see you", "see ya", "talk to you later ! \U0001F44B", "I'm gonna miss you!", "Stay safe \U0001F60A"]
thanks = ["thank you \U0001F60A", "tks", "thanks", "thank you", "ty", "Thanks \U0001F60A"]
welcome = ["you're welcome", "no problem", "welcome"]
welcome_RESP = ["okay", "so, tell me more about you!", "okie"]
#Compliment ( user to bot)
compliment = ["you're cute", "cute", "you're so nice", "you're lovely", "smart luna", "you're smart", "smart"]
#BotFeelings -> user / BAD language
like = ["we are friends", "let's be friends", "you're cool", "we can be good friends", "cool", "nice"]
dislike = ["I don't like you \U0001F641", "that's not nice", "please moderate your language", "have some respect!"]
bad_Lang = ["fuck you", "fuck", "shit", "cunt", "dumbass", "fucking idiot", "stupid bot", "stupid luna", "bitch"]
userFeeling = ["do you like me?", "are we friends?", "you're my friend", "love you", "I love you"]
someWords = ["ok", "okay", "oki doki", "alright"]
jokes = ["Let me tell you a joke:\nWhat did 0 say to 8? Nice belt!"]
entWords = ["something funny", "tell me something funny", "entertain me", "funny facts", "funny", "joke of the day"]
funny =["Was the joke funny?", "Did you like the joke"]
fFacts = ["funny fact", "fact", "tell me a fact", "fact of the day"]
fFactResp = ['"Snakes can help predict earthquakes.\nThey can sense a coming earthquake from 75 miles away (121 km), up to five days before it happens.\nCheck out more facts at:" ' , '"Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun.\nCheck out more facts at:"']
#YES / No
yes = ["yes", "ye", "sure", "yap", "Yes"]
no = ["no", "nope", "No"]
#Movie Recomendations from the bot
movie = ["I suggest you watching the Incredibles 2.", "I suggest you watching Mission: Impossible – Fallout.", "I suggest you watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom."]
mquestion = ["movie", "movies", "tell me about movies"]
musUser = ["tell me a song", "recommend me music", "do you like music?", "do you listen to music?"]
mscBot = ["I love BTS - Idol.\nHere is the video of the song", "I love TWICE - TT.\nHere is the video of the song"]
#Normal Questions and responses
questions = ["How are you?", "How are you doing?", "How is it going?", "What are you up to?", "how are you", "how are you?"]
response = ["I'm fine", "Good, what about you?", "good", "I am good \U0001F604", "I am fine \U0001F63D", "I'm okay"]
#Emotions from the user
goodEM = ["I am fine", "I am great", "I am okay", "I'm good", "I'm okay", "I'm cool", "I'm super good", "good"]
badEM = ["I am bad", "I am sad", "I am depressed", "I am not well", "I am annoyed", "I am angry", "I'm bad", "I'm sad","I feel sad", "sad"]
goodMood = ["I am happy that you're fine", "I am happy for you", "That'a lovely!", "That's amazing"]
badMood = ["I'm sad to hear that", "I'm sorry for you", "Don't worry, be happy!", "Think positive"]
help = str("Hello, the /help command gives you basic instructions on how to use LunaWei. \U0001F4D6\n /start - start the bot\n /weather - give information about the weather \n /calculator - solve simple math calculations\n /joke - tell you a joke\n /fact tell you a fact\n /music - some of my favourite songs! \U0001F60B \n /inline - List of all the amazing inline bots " )
# Lambda functions to parse updates from telegram | lambda function - small anonymous function, can take any number of arguments
def getText(update):
return update["message"]["text"]
def getLocation(update):
return update["message"]["location"]
def getChatId(update):
return update["message"]["chat"]["id"]
def getUpId(update):
return int(update["update_id"])
def getResult(updates):
return updates["result"]
# Lambda functions to parse weather responses, [0] refers to the position of value saved in the list
def getDesc(w):
return w["weather"][0]["description"]
def getTemp(w):
return w["main"]["temp"]
def getCity(w):
return w["name"]
logger = logging.getLogger("LunaBot")
# Cities for the weather requests
cities = ["London", "Coventry", "Lisbon", "Seoul"]
# Configure file and console logging
def configLogging():
# Create file logger and set level to DEBUG
# Mode = write -> clear existing log file
handler = logging.FileHandler("run.log", mode="w")
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
#create console handler and set level to INFO
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s] - %(message)s")
# settings from configuration file
def parseConfig():
c = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini")
lunatoken = c.get("Settings", "lunatoken")
URL = "{}/".format(lunatoken)
OWM_KEY = c.get("Settings", "OWM_KEY")
URL_OWM = "{}&units=metric".format(OWM_KEY)
# make a request to telegram bot and get JSON response
def recieve_url(url):
logger.debug("URL: %s" % url)
response = requests.get(url)
jResp = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) #parses it into a dictionary | turns encoded data into Python objects
return jResp
# retrieve a list of updates to lunabot
def get_UPD(offset=None):
url = URL + "getUpdates?timeout=%s" % POLLING_TIMEOUT"Getting updates")
if offset:
url += "&offset={}".format(offset)
js = recieve_url(url)
return js
# keyboard for cities
def CITY_KeyBoard():
keyboard = [[{"text": c}] for c in cities]
keyboard.append([{"text": "Share location", "request_location": True}])
replyKeyboard = {"keyboard": keyboard, "one_time_keyboard": True}
return json.dumps(replyKeyboard)
# query OWM for the weather for place or coords [share location] |
def getWeather(place):
if isinstance(place, dict): # coordinates are provided
lat, lon = place["latitude"], place["longitude"]
url = URL_OWM + "&lat=%f&lon=%f&cnt=1" % (lat, lon)"Requesting weather: " + url)
js = recieve_url(url)
return u"%s \N{DEGREE SIGN}C, %s in %s" % (getTemp(js), getDesc(js), getCity(js))
else: # one of the options / city name
# make req
url = URL_OWM + "&q={}".format(place)"Requesting weather: " + url)
js = recieve_url(url)
return u"%s \N{DEGREE SIGN}C, %s in %s" % (getTemp(js), getDesc(js), getCity(js))
# send URL-encoded message to chat id
def luna_message(text, chatId, interface=None):
text = text.encode('utf-8', 'strict')
text = urllib.parse.quote_plus(text)
url = URL + "sendMessage?text={}&chat_id={}&parse_mode=Markdown".format(text, chatId)
if interface:
url += "&reply_markup={}".format(interface)
# get the last id and returns the highest ID
def getLastUpdateId(updates):
ids = []
for update in getResult(updates):
return max(ids)
# keep track of conversation states , save data
chats = {}
# get the text and chat id to check msg received and later on send a response
def handleUpdates(updates):
for update in getResult(updates):
chatId = getChatId(update)
text = getText(update)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("No text field in update. Try to get location")
loc = getLocation(update)
# if was weather previously requested
if (chatId in chats) and (chats[chatId] == "weatherReq"):"Weather requested for %s in chat id %d" % (str(loc), chatId))
# Send weather to chat id and clear state
luna_message(getWeather(loc), chatId)
del chats[chatId]
if text == "/weather":
keyboard = CITY_KeyBoard()
chats[chatId] = "weatherReq"
luna_message("Please select a city \U0001F5FA", chatId, keyboard)
elif text == "/start":
luna_message("Hey there! I'm LunaWei and I'm still in development, so please be patient! \U0001F638", chatId)
elif text == "/help":
luna_message(help, chatId )
elif text == "/joke":
luna_message(str(random.choice(jokes)), chatId)
luna_message(str(random.choice(funny)), chatId)
elif text == "/fact":
luna_message(str(random.choice(fFactResp)), chatId)
elif text == "/music":
luna_message(str(random.choice(mscBot)), chatId)
elif text == "/calculator":
luna_message(str("Coming soon \U0001F51C"), chatId)
elif text == "/news":
luna_message(str(random.choice(news)), chatId)
elif text == "/inline":
luna_message(inline_bot , chatId)
elif text.lower() in greetings:
luna_message(str(random.choice(greetings)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in questions:
luna_message(str(random.choice(response)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in mquestion:
luna_message(str(random.choice(movie)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in goodEM:
luna_message(str(random.choice(goodMood)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in badEM:
luna_message(str(random.choice(badMood)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in bye:
luna_message(str(random.choice(bye)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in compliment:
luna_message(str(random.choice(thanks)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in thanks:
luna_message(str(random.choice(welcome)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in welcome:
luna_message(str(random.choice(welcome_RESP)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in bad_Lang:
luna_message(str(random.choice(dislike)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in userFeeling:
luna_message(random.choice(like), chatId)
elif text.lower() in someWords:
luna_message(str(random.choice(someWords)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in musUser:
luna_message(str(random.choice(mscBot)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in entWords:
luna_message(str(random.choice(jokes)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in yes:
luna_message(str(random.choice(someWords)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in no:
luna_message(str(random.choice(someWords)), chatId)
elif text.lower() in fFacts:
luna_message(str(random.choice(fFactResp)), chatId)
elif text.startswith("/"):
logger.warning("Invalid command %s" % text)
elif (text in cities) and (chatId in chats) and (chats[chatId] == "weatherReq"):"Weather requested for %s" % text)
#send weather to chat id
luna_message(getWeather(text), chatId)
del chats[chatId]
luna_message("Hey noob! Please use the /help \U0001F4D6 command.", chatId)
def main():
# set up file and console loggers
# get tokens and keys from settings file
# Main loop
last_update_id = None
while True:
updates = get_UPD(last_update_id)
if len(getResult(updates)) > 0:
last_update_id = getLastUpdateId(updates) + 1
if __name__ == "__main__":