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clarkem10 committed Oct 13, 2020
1 parent fafee2a commit f57ee6cd0e590806b9c4da0f3d6cc16b72c7cb70
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 13 deletions.
@@ -314,19 +314,6 @@ def choseSouth():
and maps made by previous attempts would help him a lot having a safer trip.""", 500, 200)
canvasChoiceButton("Continue", talkWithWife, 700, 400)

def choseStormWasComingTowardsThem():
textToCanvas("""My fellow brothers don't panic! Everything will be fine! Paul turn the sail to the left!"
"But Ricardo, we don't stand a chance of what's coming! This will be messed up in any ways.""", 500,200)
canvasChoiceButton("Continue", talkWithWife, 700, 400)

def choseRiskHisLifeToSaveHisBrother():
textToCanvas("""Eventually, the storm appeared over them and the boat was collapsing due to strong waves of the ocean.
At that moment he could see his brothers struggling but he felt helpless. He had a difficult
choice to make between risk his life to save his brother.""", 500, 200)
canvasChoiceButton("Continue", talkWithWife, 700, 400)

def canvasChoiceButton(buttonText, command, w, h):
choice = Button(text=buttonText, command=command)

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