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# include <iostream>
# include <string>
# include <array>
# include <stdexcept>
# include <vector>
# include <iterator>
# include <algorithm>
# include <iomanip>
# include "libsqlite.hpp"
using namespace std;
string students_database = "Student_Marks.sqlite3";
sqlite::sqlite db(students_database);
template<typename T>
T input()
/* Taken from week 6 lab.adaptive script . This function takes an input and
checks if the deisred input is of the correct type or not entered by the user */
string buffer;
getline(cin, buffer);
stringstream ss(buffer);
T input;
if( ss >> input /*&& ss.eof() */ )
return input;
throw runtime_error("Input is of invalid type");
int Over_all_marks_calc(int phase_test1 , int phase_test2 , int course_work)
/*This function calculates the overall marks of a student it takes three (int) parameters
and returns the overall marks (int). */
int total_1 = (phase_test1 + phase_test2)*0.20;
int total_2 = (course_work * 0.60);
float overall_marks = total_2 + total_1;
return overall_marks;
void View_records()
/* This function helps us in viewing the database records */
int option ;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "1.View All Students Marks " << endl ;
cout << "2.View Individual Students Marks " << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Select An Option : " ;
cin >> option;
cout << " " << endl;
if (option == 1)
auto view_all = db.get_statement();
view_all -> set_sql ("SELECT * FROM student_Marks "
"ORDER BY Overall_marks DESC");
view_all -> prepare();
cout << "Student ID | Student Name | PT1 PT2 CW | Overall Marks " << endl ;
cout << "" << endl;
while ( view_all -> step() )
int ID = view_all -> get_int(0);
string name = view_all -> get_text(1);
int phase_test1 = view_all -> get_int(2);
int phase_test2 = view_all -> get_int(3);
int course_work = view_all -> get_int(4);
int overall_marks = view_all -> get_int(5);
cout << setw(6) << right <<ID << setw(22) << right << name << setw(10) << phase_test1 << setw(8) << phase_test2 << setw(8) << course_work << setw(10) << overall_marks << endl;
if (option == 2)
cout << "Enter Student ID : " ;
int student_id ;
cin >> student_id ;
auto view_individual = db.get_statement();
view_individual -> set_sql ("SELECT Student_ID , student_name , PT1 , PT2 , CW , Overall_marks "
"FROM student_Marks WHERE Student_ID = ?");
view_individual -> prepare();
view_individual -> bind(1,student_id);
view_individual -> step();
int ID = view_individual -> get_int(0);
string name = view_individual -> get_text(1);
int phase_test1 = view_individual -> get_int(2);
int phase_test2 = view_individual -> get_int(3);
int course_work = view_individual -> get_int(4);
int overall_marks = view_individual -> get_int(5);
cout << "Student ID | Student Name | PT1 PT2 CW | Overall Marks " << endl ;
cout << setw(5) << right <<ID << setw(26) << right << name << setw(6) << phase_test1 << setw(8) << phase_test2 << setw(8) << course_work << setw(10) << overall_marks << endl;
if (option != 1 || option != 2)
cout << setw(45) << "**INVALID OPTION**" << endl;
catch (logic_error)
cerr << setw(45) << "**STUDENT ID DOES NOT EXIST**" << endl;
void update_overall(int pt1,int pt2,int cw , int student_id)
/*This function updates the overall marks on the databse , this function is
is called from the Edit records function , it takes the 4 (int) parameters and
updates the overall marks for the particular student */
int new_overall_marks;
new_overall_marks = Over_all_marks_calc(pt1,pt2,cw);
cout << "these are your new over_all marks: " << new_overall_marks << endl;
auto editing_overall_marks = db.get_statement();
editing_overall_marks -> set_sql ("UPDATE student_Marks "
"SET Overall_marks = ? "
"WHERE student_ID = ? ;" );
editing_overall_marks -> prepare();
editing_overall_marks -> bind(1,new_overall_marks);
editing_overall_marks -> bind(2,student_id);
editing_overall_marks -> step();
int Edit_records()
/*This function Edits the records on the database Name , Pt1 , Pt2 , CW ,
and overall_marks */
cout << "MODIFYING STUDENTS DETAILS..." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
auto cur = db.get_statement();
int student_id , option , phase_test1 , phase_test2 , course_work , overall_marks,
bool output ;
string new_name , record_updated , name ;
record_updated = "**Record Updated**" ;
cout << "Enter Student ID : " ;
cin >> student_id ;
cur -> set_sql ("SELECT Student_ID,Student_name,PT1,PT2,CW,Overall_marks FROM student_Marks "
"WHERE Student_ID = ?" );
cur -> prepare();
cur -> bind(1,student_id);
cur -> step() ;
output = cur -> get_int(0);
if (output == 1)
name = cur -> get_text(1);
phase_test1 = cur -> get_int(2);
phase_test2 = cur -> get_int(3);
course_work = cur -> get_int(4);
overall_marks = cur -> get_int(5);
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Modifying Student no : " << student_id << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "1.Student Name" << endl;
cout << "2.Phasetest-1 Marks" << endl;
cout << "3.Phasetest-2 Marks" << endl;
cout << "4.Course Work Marks" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Select An Option : " ;
cin >> option ;
array <int,5> options = {1,2,3,4};
bool selected_options = find(begin(options),end(options),option) !=end (options);
if (selected_options == 1)
if (option == 1)
cout << "Old Name : " << name << endl;
cout << "Enter New Name : " ;
auto editing_name = db.get_statement();
editing_name -> set_sql ("UPDATE student_Marks "
"SET Student_name = ? "
"WHERE Student_ID = ? ;" );
editing_name -> prepare();
editing_name -> bind(1,new_name);
editing_name -> bind(2,student_id);
editing_name -> step();
cout << record_updated << endl;
if (option == 2)
{ cout << "Overall marks will be updated Automatically" << endl ;
cout << "Old Phase test 1 Marks : " << phase_test1 << endl ;
cout << "Enter new phase test 1 marks : " ;
cin >> new_phase_test_1;
auto editing_pt1 = db.get_statement();
editing_pt1 -> set_sql ("UPDATE student_Marks "
"SET PT1 = ? "
"WHERE student_ID = ? ;" );
editing_pt1 -> prepare();
editing_pt1 -> bind(1,new_phase_test_1);
editing_pt1 -> bind(2,student_id);
editing_pt1 -> step();
cout << record_updated << endl;
if (option == 3)
cout << "Overall marks will be updated Automatically" << endl ;
cout << "Old Phase test 2 Marks : " << phase_test2 << endl ;
cout << "Enter new phase test 2 marks : " ;
cin >> new_phase_test_2 ;
auto editing_pt2 = db.get_statement();
editing_pt2 -> set_sql ("UPDATE student_Marks "
"SET PT2 = ? "
"WHERE student_ID = ? ;" );
editing_pt2 -> prepare();
editing_pt2 -> bind(1,new_phase_test_2);
editing_pt2 -> bind(2,student_id);
editing_pt2 -> step();
cout << record_updated << endl;
if (option == 4)
cout << "Overall marks will be updated Automatically" << endl ;
cout << "Old Course work Marks : " << course_work << endl ;
cout << "Enter new Coursework Marks : " ;
cin >> new_course_work ;
auto editing_CW = db.get_statement();
editing_CW -> set_sql ("UPDATE student_Marks "
"SET CW = ? "
"WHERE student_ID = ? ;" );
editing_CW -> prepare();
editing_CW -> bind(1,new_course_work);
editing_CW -> bind(2,student_id);
editing_CW -> step();
cout << record_updated << endl;
cout << setw(47) << "**INVALID OPTION**" << endl;
if (output == 0)
cout << setw(47) << "**STUDENT ID DOES NOT EXIST" << endl ;
void Add_records()
/*This function Adds Data to the database */
auto s = db.get_statement();
int student_ID , phase_test1 ,id, phase_test2 , course_work , overall_marks;
string student_name;
cout << "ADDING NEW STUDENT..." << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
auto cur = db.get_statement();
cout << "(1/6) - Enter student ID : " ;
cin >> student_ID ;
cur -> set_sql( "SELECT Student_ID FROM student_Marks "
"WHERE Student_ID = ?;" );
cur -> prepare();
cur -> bind( 1,student_ID );
cur -> step();
id = cur -> get_int(0);
if (id != 0)
cout << " **Student ID " << id << " already Exists** " << endl;
}while (id != 0);
cout << "(2/6) - Enter Student Name : " ;
cin.ignore() ;
getline(cin,student_name) ;
cout << "(3/6) - Enter Phasetest 1 Marks : " ;
cin >> phase_test1;
cout << "(4/6) - Enter Phasetest 2 Marks : " ;
cin >> phase_test2;
cout << "(5/6) - Enter Course Work Marks : " ;
cin >> course_work;
overall_marks = Over_all_marks_calc(phase_test1,phase_test2,course_work);
cout << "(6/6) - Overall Marks : " << overall_marks << endl;
s -> set_sql( "INSERT INTO STUDENT_MARKS VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);" );
s -> prepare();
s -> bind(1,student_ID);
s -> bind(2,student_name);
s -> bind(3,phase_test1);
s -> bind(4,phase_test2);
s -> bind(5,course_work);
s -> bind(6,overall_marks);
s -> step();
cout << "Student Added" << endl;
void Delete_records()
/* This function Deletes the records on the database */
int option;
cout << "" << endl ;
cout << "1.Delete student Record" << endl;
cout << "2.Delete All Records" << endl;
cout << "" << endl;
cout << "Select an Option : " ;
array <int,2> options = {1,2};
cin >> option ;
bool selected_options ;
selected_options = find(begin(options),end(options),option) !=end (options);
if (selected_options == 1)
cout << "" << endl;
if (option == 1 )
cout << "Enter Student ID : " ;
int student_ID ;
cin >> student_ID ;
auto delete_record = db.get_statement();
delete_record -> set_sql("DELETE FROM student_Marks "
"WHERE student_ID = ?");
delete_record -> prepare();
delete_record -> bind(1,student_ID);
delete_record -> step();
cout << "RECORD DELETED" << endl;
if (option == 2)
char selection;
cin >> selection ;
if (selection == 'y' || selection == 'Y')
auto delete_all_records = db.get_statement();
delete_all_records -> set_sql("DELETE FROM student_Marks" );
delete_all_records -> prepare();
delete_all_records -> step();
cout << "RECORDS DELETED" << endl ;
cout << setw(45) << "**INVALID OPTION**" << endl ;
int main_menu()
/*This function displays the main menu of the databse , all the above functions rerturn
to this function once they have completed their tasks */
char main_menu_restart ;
main_menu_restart = 'y' ;
cout << " ----------Main Menu---------" << endl;
cout << " | 1.View - Students Marks |" << endl;
cout << " | 2.Edit - Students Marks |" << endl;
cout << " | 3.Add - Student Marks |" << endl;
cout << " | 4.Delete -Student Record |" << endl;
cout << " | 5.Exit |" << endl;
cout << " -----------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Select an Option : " ;
int user_slection ;
cin >> user_slection ;
array <int,5> options = {1,2,3,4,5};
bool selected_options = find(begin(options),end(options),user_slection) !=end (options);
if (selected_options == 1)
main_menu_restart = 'n' ;
if ( user_slection == 1)
cout << "" << endl ;
cout << "Back to main menu - (Y/N) : " ;
cin >> main_menu_restart ;
if ( main_menu_restart == 'n' || main_menu_restart == 'N' )
main_menu_restart = 'n';
else if (user_slection == 2)
char edit_record_restart;
cout << "Start Again - (Y/N) : " ;
cin >> edit_record_restart ;
} while (edit_record_restart == 'y' || edit_record_restart == 'Y');
else if (user_slection == 3)
char add_record_restart;
add_record_restart = 'y' ;
cout << "Start again - (Y/N) : " ;
cin >> add_record_restart;
if (add_record_restart == 'n' || add_record_restart == 'N')
add_record_restart = 'n';
} while ( add_record_restart == 'y' || add_record_restart == 'Y');
else if (user_slection == 4)
char delete_record_restart;
cout <<"Start again - (Y/N) : " ;
cin >> delete_record_restart;
} while (delete_record_restart == 'y' || delete_record_restart == 'Y');
else if (user_slection == 5)
return 0 ;
if ( selected_options != 1 )
cout << setw(45) << "**INVALID OPTION**" << endl;
}while(main_menu_restart == 'y'|| main_menu_restart == 'Y');
int main()
return 0 ;