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section .data
;Welcome message for game
;Welcome message size
welcome_msg db "Welcome to population guessing game you caan choose between h/l for the game ", 10
welcomeLen equ $-welcome_msg
victorymsg db " Victory to population guessing game", 10
victorymsglen equ $-victorymsg
;msg that the guess is correct
;Size of the msg
correct db "You guess correctly. They are the Correct. ",10
correctlen equ $-correct
;Msg that the guess is incorrect
;Size of the Msg
incorrect db "Your guess is incorrect. They are not the Correct: ", 10
incorrectlen equ $-incorrect
;Message that the guess is question
;Size of the questions
question1 db "is population in china is higher than india[h/l] :"
question1len equ $-question1
question2 db "is population in china is higher than USA[h/l] :"
question2len equ $-question2
question3 db "is population in china is higher than UK[h/l]. :"
question3len equ $-question3
question4 db "is population in china is higher than France[h/l]. :"
question4len equ $-question4
question5 db "is population in india is higher than china[h/l]. :"
question5len equ $-question5
question6 db "is population in india is higher than UK[h/l]. :"
question6len equ $-question6
question7 db "is population in india is higher than USA[h/l]. :"
question7len equ $-question7
question8 db "is population in india is higher than France[h/l]. :"
question8len equ $-question8
question9 db "is population in USA is higher than UK[h/l] :"
question9len equ $-question9
question10 db "is population in France is higher than UK[h/l] :"
question10len equ $-question10
; Msg explaining the t_letter
; Msg Size
letter_msg db "the correct answer was "
letter_msglen equ $-letter_msg
; msg explaining the Inc_msg
; Msg Size
Inc_msg db " the score now is "
Inc_msglen equ $-Inc_msg
cr db 10
inc_value db 0 ; the value of thst will be incremented for the storing points
global list_questions
; the pointer to the quotes are stored in 8 bytes
dq question1
dq question2
dq question3
dq question4
dq question5
dq question6
dq question7
dq question8
dq question9
dq question10
global list_answers
dq 'h'
dq 'h'
dq 'h'
dq 'h'
dq 'l'
dq 'h'
dq 'h'
dq 'h'
dq 'h'
dq 'l'
; we store each of the answers 1 at a time
dq 0
segment .bss
; store the users guess
guess resb 1
section .text
global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)
call Welcome_dis
call new_line
mov rax,10 ;no of ans
mov rbx,0 ;rbx will store the ans
mov rcx,list_answers ; rcx will point to the curr element to be processed
mov rdx,0 ; rbx willstore the question
mov rsi,list_questions ;move list of questions to rcx
mov rbx,[rcx] ; put the current use in register rbx
mov [t_letter],rbx ; move rbx into a variable t_letter and store curr guess
push rax ; push the val to stack
push rcx ; push the val to stack
call new_line
call Questions_dis ; Display the questions
call Inp_letter ; input from the users guess
call letter_msg_dis ; msg for correct msg
call Display ; print the t_letter that
call new_line ; new line like endl
call Victorymsg
mov eax,[inc_value] ;moving inc_value to eax register
add eax,48 ;convert the integer into ascii value to print
mov [inc_value],eax ;Put the val back variable in th register
;writing code to the increment statement to screen.
mov eax, 4 ;Syst call for the scrn call the scrn
mov ebx, 1 ; standarded out
mov ecx,Inc_msg ;print inc of msg message
mov edx, Inc_msglen ;Length of the message
int 80h ;syst int
;write the code incremented value to screen.
mov eax, 4 ;Sys call the scrn
mov ebx, 1 ; sys stand out
mov ecx, inc_value ; print the inc_va;ue
mov edx, 1 ; 1 byte in size
int 80h ; int
mov eax, [inc_value] ; move the inc_value variable in eax
add eax, -48 ; convert the integer into ascii val to print
mov [inc_value], eax ; Put the val back variable
;write the code incremented value to screen
mov eax, 4 ; Sys call the scrn
mov ebx, 1 ; stand out
mov ecx, cr ; newline
mov edx,1 ; 1 byte in size
int 80h ; int
pop rcx ; get back from stack
pop rax ; get back from stack
add rcx,8 ;move pointer to next element as 8 bits for each cove on by 8
add rsi,8
dec rax ;decrement counter so going down
jnz top ;if counter not equal O, then we loop again
call done ;end of the program
mov edx,1 ;msg length
mov ecx, t_letter ;msg to write the t_letter to be predicted
mov ebx, 1 ;making file descriptor
mov eax, 4 ;sys call number
int 0x80 ;calling kernel
;function to read the user guess and comp with the ans
mov eax, 3 ; readinng from the keyboard
mov ebx, 2;
mov ecx, guess ; move the guess into the ecx
mov edx, 1 ; As single t_letter using 1 byte
int 80h ; call int
mov rax, [guess] ; move guess by user into rax
cmp rax, [t_letter] ; compare correct answer with what in rax
je Correct ; if guess was correct jump to Correct function
call Inc_correct ; if the guess is incorrect then go to Inc_correct function
;function to show message that answer was not correct answer
mov ecx,incorrect ; Not Correct msg
mov edx, incorrectlen ; length of Correct msg
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptors
mov eax,4 ;sys calling num
int 80h
mov eax, 3 ; read pre enter key entry
mov ebx, 2;
mov ecx, guess ; pre key doesnot messy up the loop
mov edx, 1 ; As single t_letter 1 byte
int 80h ; calling int
; function to show message answer was correct
mov ecx,correct ; Correct msg
mov edx, correctlen ; length of Correct msg
inc byte [inc_value] ; incre value of values
mov ebx,1 ;file descript
mov eax,4 ;sys calling number
int 80h
mov eax, 3 ; read previous enter key d
mov ebx, 2;
mov ecx, guess ; press so it doesnot messy up loop
mov edx, 1 ; single t_letter 1 byte
int 80h ; calling int
; Function to create a New line
mov eax,4 ; call for write (sys_write)
mov ebx,1 ; output to the screen
mov ecx, cr ; newline value into ecx
mov edx, 1 ; length of the newline edx
int 80h ; Call the kernel with interrupt to check the
ret ;
mov edx,welcomeLen ;msg length
mov ecx, welcome_msg ;msg to write
mov ebx, 1 ; making file descriptor
mov eax, 4 ;sys call number
int 0x80 ;calling kernel
mov edx,victorymsglen ;msg length
mov ecx,victorymsg ;msg to write
mov ebx, 1 ;making file descriptor
mov eax, 4 ;sys call number
call done
int 0x80 ;calling kernel
call done
;Function to Display question for quiz
;msg length
mov edx,50
mov ecx, [rsi] ;msg to write
mov ebx, 1 ;making file descrptor
mov eax, 4 ;sys call number
int 0x80 ;calling kernel
; Function to Display the correct answer sentence
;message length
mov edx,letter_msglen
;message to write
mov ecx, letter_msg
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;cmd system call number
int 0x80 ;calling kernel
; Function to end the program
mov eax, 1 ;cmd sys call number
int 0x80 ;calling kernel