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''' ----- USAGE explanation -----
from reminder import Reminder
def onNotification(sender, message):
# create reminder object
rmndr = Reminder()
# add function to execute
rmndr.listener += onNotification
# analyse user string and set reminder with this function
rmndr.getAnswer('User string')
# manually set reminder {args(text, secondsToWait)}
rmndr.setReminder('This is my message', 8)
# event-driven programming. Read wikipedia to know how it works
import event # copyright explained in file
# ------------------------
import datetime # system date
import sched, time # delay commands AND system time
import _thread
import re # regular expressions standart library
import traceback # used for debugging exeptions
from pyfcm import FCMNotification # google firebase cloud messaging library
class Reminder():
listener = event.Event() # functions list to invoke
listenerEnabled = False # if false then use android app notification
# ENUM used as dictionary key in getTags() function:
MESSAGE_IDENT = 4 # message identificators
TIME_IDENT = 5 # time identificators
# ENUM used as dictionary key to get time regexes:
AFTER = 0 # i.e. 'after 1hour 5 minutes'
OCLOCK = 1 # i.e. 5 o`clock or 5 oclock
DEFAULT_TIME = 2 # i.e. 15.25 or 15:25
AMPM_TIME = 3 # i.e. 5am 11pm
REGEXES = {AFTER: '(\d{1,2} *((seconds?)|(minutes?)|(hours?)))',
OCLOCK: '(\d{1,2} *[oO]?(clock))',
DEFAULT_TIME: '(([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)',
AMPM_TIME: '([0-1]?\d([:.][0-5]\d)? *[aApP]\.?[mM]\.?)',
MESSAGE_IDENT: '(( with (a|the)? ?(message|text) (of|to) )|( (to|that|I have) ))'}
DEFAULT_STRINGS = ['Hmm, can you give me more details?',
'Sorry, I cannot set you a reminder! Can you be more precise?',
'I missunderstand :(. Can you explain in a different way?']
def __init__(self, enableListener=False):
self.sched = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
self.listenerEnabled = enableListener
''' <summary>Gives tags which are used to detect user action</summary>
<return>dict of {'str': list}</return>'''
def getTags(self):
d = {self.ACTION_ADD: ['set', 'create', 'make', 'send', 'message me', 'type', 'write'],
self.ACTION_DEL: ['remove', 'cancel', 'dont', 'do not', 'stop', 'delete'],
self.ACTION_SHOW: ['what', 'when', 'show', 'list'],
self.KEYWORDS: ['reminder', 'notification', 'write', 'alarm',
'remind', 'notif', 'recall', 'note'],
self.MESSAGE_IDENT: [' with message to ', ' with message of ',
' with the message of ', ' with a message of ',
' with text of ', ' to ', ':', ' that ', ' I have '],
self.TIME_IDENT: [' at ', ' after ', ' in '] }
return d
''' <summary>Picks random value in a list</summary>'''
def pickRandom(self, _list):
import random
return _list[random.randint(0, len(_list)) - 1]
''' <summary>Function to be threaded</summary>'''
def reminderThread(self, text, delayInSec):
self.sched.enter(delayInSec, 1, self.invokeListener, (text, ))
''' <summary>Sets a timer for invokation</summary>'''
def setReminder(self, text, delayInSec):
# threads are used because 'sched' library delay main program flow
_thread.start_new_thread(self.reminderThread, (text, delayInSec) )
''' <summary>Notifies caller class to pull reminder</summary> '''
def invokeListener(self, text):
device_token = "fQg_YPhiS-c:APA91bGgxjJJvwwSR8r5zFdN-qyerR5gP5aa1g-E0yqLumV56ZOuubAcNyJCIOeF_0rEvk9BCAN2WqgNkB23kxACP6AFD1c5ON0jMaJanV1JXzvgR7gNA0sn3rlW1WQPUmO_cqv7xT76"
key = "AAAA-PO7Lds:APA91bEkn-rmOegVXChsx0MAxKy0N9JCy6-S7NtSa3cp6uiPFz150zRMijet-3VrWjw_GKxxHnKuBvJ6D5-j7Krjhb6aWTq9avgaSS-SldbdrNT4WyAMh6AoXWqfg5L-3IV1le8IkMM_"
if self.listenerEnabled:
else: # send android notification through google firebase
notificationService = FCMNotification(api_key=key)
notificationService.notify_single_device(registration_id=device_token, message_title=text, message_body='Discord Reminder')
''' <summary>Gives keywords used to identify if it's associated with reminder</summary>
<return>list of strings</return> '''
def getKeywords(self):
return self.getTags()[self.KEYWORDS]
''' <summary>Checks if input is associated with module</summary>
<return>boolean</return> '''
def check(self, userInput):
userInput = userInput.lower()
kwList = self.getKeywords()
for kw in kwList: # tries to find at least 1 keyword
if kw in userInput:
return True
return False
''' <summary>extracts time str part from input</summary>
<return>str(time part) or list of strings, and (ENUM)time type</return>'''
def detectTime(self, text):
for i in range(4):
regex = re.findall(self.REGEXES[i], text)
if regex: # match found
if i == self.AFTER:
# i.e. str(5minutes 6 seconds) gets splited into list of 2 elements
newList = []
for match in regex:
return newList, i
return regex[0][0], i
return None
''' <summary>extracts reminder text from input</summary>
<return>str(user note)</return>'''
def detectMessage(self, text):
regexTime = re.findall('( (at|after|in) )', text)
regexMsg = re.findall(self.REGEXES[self.MESSAGE_IDENT], text)
if regexMsg and regexTime: # match found
ident_msg = regexMsg[0][0] # message identicative string
ident_time = regexTime[0][0] # time identicative string
if text.find(ident_time) > text.find(ident_msg): # message is typed first then time
_returnText = text[text.find(ident_msg) + len(ident_msg) : text.find(ident_time)]
return _returnText[0].upper() + _returnText[1:] # capitalize first letter
_returnText = text[text.find(ident_msg) + len(ident_msg) :]
return _returnText[0].upper() + _returnText[1:] # capitalize first letter
return None
''' <summary>Finds first number in string</summary>
def findIntInString(self, string):
regex ='\d+', string)
if regex != None:
return int(
return None
''' <summary>convert time string to seconds left for event to fire</summary>
<note>recursive calls are used to reduce redundancy</note>
<param name="timeTuple">[0]: contains time string, [1]: (ENUM-int)time format</param>
<return>int(delay in seconds)</return>'''
def calculateDelay(self, timeTuple):
totalSeconds = 0
if timeTuple[1] == self.AFTER:
for timePiece in timeTuple[0]: # iterates hour, min, sec
num = self.findIntInString(timePiece)
if num == None:
return None
if 'hour' in timePiece:
totalSeconds += 3600 * num
elif 'min' in timePiece:
totalSeconds += 60 * num
elif 'sec' in timePiece:
totalSeconds += num
return totalSeconds
elif timeTuple[1] == self.OCLOCK:
num = self.findIntInString(timeTuple[0])
if not(num >= 1 and num <= 12): # if non sence time, return Error
return None
if num == 12:
return self.calculateDelay(("12:00", self.DEFAULT_TIME)) # recursive call for 24 format time
now = # current system time
if num > now.hour: # ie. hour: now = 9:00, given = 11oclock then counts as morning
return self.calculateDelay((str(num) + ':00', self.DEFAULT_TIME)) # recursional call for 24 format time
return self.calculateDelay((str(num + 12) + ':00', 2)) # recursive call for 24 format time
elif timeTuple[1] == self.DEFAULT_TIME:
# i.e. time str "12:34" becomes list ['12', '34']
nums = list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', timeTuple[0])))
if len(nums) != 2:
return None # something went wrong
now = # current system time
nowSeconds = now.hour * 3600 + now.minute * 60 # realtime day seconds count
givenSeconds = nums[0] * 3600 + nums[1] * 60
nowSysSec = int(round(time.time())) # seconds past after 1 January 1970
day =
if nowSeconds >= givenSeconds: # ie. now 16:56, given time 13:12. Shifts reminder to next day
day = + 1
givenInSysSec = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, day, nums[0], nums[1]).timetuple()))
return givenInSysSec - nowSysSec
elif timeTuple[1] == self.AMPM_TIME:
# time string is trusted of am pm because regex already filtered it
# until this point. So i check for 'a' rather than 'AM'
isAM = 'a' in timeTuple[0].lower()
num = self.findIntInString(timeTuple[0]) # find number(hour)
if not(num >= 1 and num <= 12):
return None
if isAM and num == 12:
num = 0 # in other am cases num is the same so I dont change it
# if num = 12 then it is right so I dont need to change it
if not isAM and num != 12: # means isPM
num += 12
return self.calculateDelay((str(num) + ":00", self.DEFAULT_TIME)) # recursive call for 24 format time
return None # it case of error
def actionAdd(self, userInput):
time = self.detectTime(userInput) # finds str part of time from input
message = self.detectMessage(userInput) # finds reminder message
delaySec = self.calculateDelay(time) # calculates DELAY in seconds after which raises reminder
if message == None or delaySec == None: # on failure-escape case
return self.pickRandom(self.DEFAULT_STRINGS)
if delaySec != None: # if successful
self.setReminder('Reminder: ' + str(message), int(delaySec))
prefixStrs = ['Ofcourse', 'No worries', 'Yup buddy', 'Sure mate']
if time[1] == self.AFTER:
return '{} ;)! I set you a reminder after {} with note: {}'.format(self.pickRandom(prefixStrs), time[0], message)
return '{} ;)! I set you a reminder at {} with note: {}'.format(self.pickRandom(prefixStrs), time[0], message)
raise Exception('Time string was not converted!')
traceback.print_exc() # console debugging
return self.pickRandom(self.DEFAULT_STRINGS)
''' <summary>Analyze user input, sets reminder and Returns note for user</summary>
<return>str</return> '''
def getAnswer(self, userInput):
#self.setReminder(userInput, 6)
userInput = filterUserInput(userInput) # deletes unnecessarily punctuation, lower case all letters
# at this moment only ADD function is enable/developed
userAction = self.determineAction(userInput) # what user wants to do. Add, remove, get list of reminders
if userAction == self.ACTION_ADD: # setting reminder
return self.actionAdd(userInput)
else: # unable to do user requested action
return self.pickRandom(self.DEFAULT_STRINGS)
''' <summary>chooses action to perform(add,del or show)</summary>
def determineAction(self, userInput):
# extra case
if str(userInput).startswith('remind'):
return self.ACTION_ADD
# other cases
actionDict = self.getTags()
# searh for matches in dictionary of lists
# return i - which is ENUM action(defined above)
for i in range(4): # i = 0, 1, 2
for value in actionDict[i]:
if value in userInput:
return i
return self.ACTION_NONE # default case
''' <summary>preparing a string for analyses</summary>
def filterUserInput(text):
text = text.replace(',', ' ') # removes commas
text = " ".join(text.split()) # replace(with space) multiple spaces, tabs and new lines
text = text.lower()
text = text.replace('!', '.') # ! becomes .
import string
allowedChars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + ' :.?'
for letter in text: # removes not allowed chars
if not letter in allowedChars:
text = text.replace(letter, '')
# exeption with 'I have' -> replaces to 'that I have'
iHavePos = text.find('i have')
if iHavePos != -1:
text = text[:iHavePos] + 'that ' + text[iHavePos:]
# ______________________________________
return text
# Console chat version
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = Reminder()
while True:
userInput = input("\nEnter reminder text: ")
print(r.getAnswer(userInput), '\n')