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section .data
question1 db "player 1: is 3 an even number? ", 10 ; Ask user the question.10 is to create new line
question1Len equ $- question1 ; calculate the length of the message in bytes
question2 db "player 2: is 4 an odd number? ", 10
question2Len equ $- question2
question3 db "player 1: is 12 an even number? ", 10
question3Len equ $- question3
question4 db "player 2: is 10 an odd number? ", 10
question4Len equ $- question4
question5 db "player 1: is 27 divisibale by 3? ", 10
question5Len equ $- question5
question6 db "player 2: is 46 divisibale by 4? ", 10
question6Len equ $- question6
question7 db "player 1: is 30 divisibale by 12? ", 10
question7Len equ $- question7
question8 db "player 2: is 21 a prime number? ", 10
question8Len equ $- question8
question9 db "player 1: is 23 a prime number? ", 10
question9Len equ $- question9
question10 db "player 2: is 12x12 = 142? ", 10
question10Len equ $- question10
sameMsg db "you are correct ", 10 ; Message that the guess and the right answer are same
sameMsgLen equ $- sameMsg
msg db " is player 1's score ", 10 ;message to print score
msgLen equ $- msg
msg2 db " is player 2's score", 10
msg2Len equ $- msg2
exit dd 'e'
answer1 dd 'f' ; variable that stores the correct answer
answer2 dd 'f'
answer3 dd 't'
answer4 dd 'f'
answer5 dd 't'
answer6 dd 'f'
answer7 dd 'f'
answer8 dd 'f'
answer9 dd 't'
answer10 dd 'f'
notScored5Points1 db "Player 1 You didnt manage to answer all the previous 5 questions correctly :(", 10 ;message if not scored 5 questions in order.
notScored5Points1Len equ $- notScored5Points1
notScored5Points2 db "Player 2 You didnt manage to answer all the previous 5 questions correctly :("
notScored5Points2Len equ $- notScored5Points2
incValue dd 0, 10; the variable to be incremented
incValue2 dd 0, 10
scored5Points1 db "Congrats! Player 1 you've answered 5 questions in the correct order. ", 10 ;message if scored 5 questions in order
scored5Points1Len equ $- scored5Points1
scored5Points2 db "Congrats! Player 2 you've answered 5 questions in the correct order. ", 10
scored5Points2Len equ $- scored5Points2
notSameMsg db "you are incorrect ", 10 ; Message that the guess and the right answer are not the same
notSameMsgLen equ $- notSameMsg
segment .bss ;declare uninitialized variables
guess resd 1 ; variable to contain the letter entered by the user which is 4 bytes
getenter resd 1 ;variable to contain the input of when the enter key is pressed (4 bytes reserved)
printIncValue resb 10; variable to print the incremented value (10 bytes reserved)
printIncValue2 resb 10
section .text
global _start ;must be declared for using gcc
_start: ;tell linker entry point
call printQuestion1 ;call the label to run each of the following subroutines
call compareValue1
call printQuestion2
call compareValue2
call printQuestion3
call compareValue3
call printQuestion4
call compareValue4
call printIncValuee
call printIncValuee2
call nextLevelplayer1
call compareValue5
call nextLevelplayer2
call compareValue6
call nextLevelplayer12
call compareValue7
call nextLevelplayer22
call compareValue8
call nextLevelplayer13
call compareValue9
call nextLevelplayer23
call compareValue10
call checkScore5p1
call checkScore5p2
call questionloop
call end ; call subroutine to end the program
; subroutines to print question get user input
mov edx, question1Len ; length of the question/guess request
mov ecx,question1 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question2Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question2 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question3Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question3 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question4Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question4 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question5Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question5 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question6Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question6 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question7Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question7 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question8Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question8 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question9Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question9 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
mov edx, question10Len ; length of the question/guess request message
mov ecx,question10 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutine for scoring system for player 1
; Print the incremented value
mov eax, 4 ; system call for write
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, printIncValue ; address of the string to be printed stored in ecx
mov edx, 1 ; length of the string (1 for the value and 1 for the newline)
int 0x80 ; trigger the system call
mov ecx, msg ;adress of msg stored in ecx register
mov edx, msgLen ;store msg length in edx register
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutine for scoring system for player 2
; Print the incremented value
mov eax, 4 ; system call for write
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, printIncValue2; address of the string to be printed stored in ecx
mov edx, 1;length of the string (1 for the value and 1 for the newline)
int 0x80 ;trigger the system call
mov ecx, msg2 ;adress of msg stored in ecx register
mov edx, msg2Len ;store msg2 length in edx register
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutine to print message that player 1 didnt answer 5 questions in order
mov edx, notScored5Points1Len ; length of the guess request message
mov ecx,notScored5Points1 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutine to print message that player 2 didnt answer 5 questions in order
mov edx, notScored5Points2Len ; length of the guess request message
mov ecx,notScored5Points2 ; guess request message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutines to compare value inputed by players with correct answer and exit variables.
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare guess with variable exit
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer1];compare answer1 with guess stored in eax
je same ;if same jump to subroutine same
call notSame ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer2];compare answer2 with guess stored in eax
je same2 ;if same jump to subroutine same2
call notSame2 ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer3];compare answer3 with guess stored in eax
je same ;if same jump to subroutine same
call notSame ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer4];compare answer4 with guess stored in eax
je same2 ;if same jump to subroutine same2
call notSame2 ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer5];compare answer5 with guess stored in eax
je same ;if same jump to subroutine same
call notSame ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer6];compare answer6 with guess stored in eax
je same2 ;if same jump to subroutine same2
call notSame2 ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer7];compare answer7 with guess stored in eax
je same ;if same jump to subroutine same
call notSame ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer8];compare answer8 with guess stored in eax
je same2 ;if same jump to subroutine same2
call notSame2 ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer9];compare answer9 with guess stored in eax
je same ;if same jump to subroutine same
call notSame ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, getenter ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter move length in edx which is 1 byte
int 80h ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
mov eax, [guess] ; move the value in guess variable into register eax
cmp eax, [exit] ; compare correct answer with what in eax
je end ; if value in eax = exit jump to subroutine end
cmp eax,[answer10];compare answer10 with guess stored in eax
je same2 ;if same jump to subroutine same2
call notSame2 ; go to notSame subroutine if guess and correct answer are not same
ret ; return to main section
;subroutines to check if player can move on to a more difficult question.
mov eax, [incValue] ; move the incValue of player 1(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 2 ; compare value 2 with score in eax
je printQuestion5 ; if value in eax (player1 score) and value 2 are the same jump to printQuestion5
call printQuestion3 ; go to printQuestion3 if incValue and and value 2 are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, [incValue] ; move the incValue of player 1(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 3 ; compare value 3 with score in eax
je printQuestion7 ;if value in eax (player1 score) and value 3 are the same jump to printQuestion7
call printQuestion1 ; go to printQuestion1 if incValue and and value 3 are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, [incValue]; move the incValue of player 1(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 4 ; compare value 4 with score in eax
je printQuestion9 ;if value in eax (player1 score) and value 4 are the same jump to printQuestion9
call printQuestion5 ; go to printQuestion5 if incValue and and value 4 are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, [incValue2]; move the incValue2 of player 2(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 2 ; compare value 2 with score in eax
je printQuestion6 ; if value in eax (player2 score) and value 2 are the same jump to printQuestion6
call printQuestion2 ; go to printQuestion2 if incValue2 and and value 2 are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, [incValue2] ; move the incValue2 of player 2(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 3 ; compare value 3 with score in eax
je printQuestion8; if value in eax (player2 score) and value 3 are the same jump to printQuestion8
call printQuestion4; go to printQuestion4 if incValue2 and and value 3 are not same
ret ; return to main section
mov eax, [incValue2] ; move the incValue2 of player 2(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 4 ; compare value 4 with score in eax
je printQuestion10; if value in eax (player2 score) and value 4 are the same jump to printQuestion10
call printQuestion6; go to printQuestion6 if incValue2 and and value 3 are not same
ret ; return to main section
;subroutine to check if player 1 answered 5 questions correctly in order
mov eax, [incValue] ; move the incValue of player 1(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 5 ; compare value 5 with score in eax
je printScored5Points1 ; if value in eax (player1 score) and value 5 are the same jump to funcScored5Points1
call printNotScored5Points1;go to printNotScored5Points1 if incValue and and value 5 are not same
ret ; return to main section
;subroutine to check if player 2 answered 5 questions correctly in order
mov eax, [incValue2]; move the incValue2 of player 2(their score) to eax register
cmp eax, 5 ; compare value 5 with score in eax
je printScored5Points2;if value in eax (player2 score) and value 5 are the same jump to funcScored5Points2
call printNotScored5Points2;go to printNotScored5Points2 if incValue and and value 5 are not same
ret ; return to main section
;subroutine to print that player 1 answered 5 questions correctly in order
mov ecx, scored5Points1 ; message to print
mov edx, scored5Points1Len ;length of message
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutine to print that player 2 answered 5 questions correctly in order
mov ecx, scored5Points2 ;message to print
mov edx, scored5Points2Len ;length of message
mov ebx, 1;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80;invoke the kernel to display the message
ret ; return to the main section
;subroutine to loop through through these questions. question is printed and guess is compared to correct answer
call printQuestion2
call compareValue2
call printQuestion3
call compareValue3
call printQuestion4
call compareValue4
; subroutine to deal with when player1 input and and real answer are the same
mov edx, sameMsgLen ; length of the same message
mov ecx,sameMsg ; same message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
inc byte [incValue]
mov eax, [incValue]
add eax, 48
mov [printIncValue], eax
; subroutine to deal with when player2 input and and real answer are the same
mov edx, sameMsgLen ; length of the same message
mov ecx,sameMsg ; same message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to display the message
inc byte [incValue2]
mov eax, [incValue2]
add eax, 48
mov [printIncValue2], eax
; subroutine to deal with when player1 input and and real answer are not the same
mov edx, notSameMsgLen ; not same message length
mov ecx,notSameMsg ; not same message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
; subroutine to deal with when player2 input and and real answer are not the same
mov edx, notSameMsgLen ; not same message length
mov ecx,notSameMsg ; not same message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
;subroutine to end the program
mov eax, 1 ; system call number (sys_exit)
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to end the program