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amera3 committed Aug 3, 2020
0 parents commit de5f249e39d25c8fec5719c815c0074533bbc035
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
%%Open nc file which is used to extract the date
ncfile = '';

%%Welcome message
disp('Hi, welcome to my ensemble visualization program')
x = input('Press any key to move to the next page')
disp('This program allows you to view the ozone layer on different map models in a european map')
disp('This program has accessiblity support for colour blind users')
colorblind = input("if you're colourblind please enter 1, if not enter 0 ..");
%%This section of code let's the user pick which ozone model they want to
disp('Pick 1 of the 3 ozone map models')
disp('1: Match Ozone map model')
disp('2: Mocage Ozone map model')
disp('3: Emep Ozone map model')
MenuMapChoice = input('Enter the map model number you want to use')
if MenuMapChoice == 1
ozoneModel = 'match_ozone'
disp('Match Ozone map model will be used to display the ozone effect')
elseif MenuMapChoice == 2
ozoneModel = 'mocage_ozone'
disp('Mocage Ozone map model will be used to display the ozone effect')
elseif MenuMapChoice == 3
ozoneModel = 'emep_ozone'
disp('Emep Ozone map model will be used to display the ozone effect')

disp('Extracting map data ...')
%%Extract data from the nc file to create the ensemble
lon = ncread(ncfile,'lon');
lat = ncread(ncfile,'lat');
time = ncread(ncfile,'hour');
SelectedOzone = ncread(ncfile,ozoneModel); %%this extracts the user selected Ozone model
[X,Y] = meshgrid(lon,lat);

%%adjusting the colourscheme of the map for colourblindness
if colorblind == 0
colormap default
elseif colorblind == 1
colormap gray
disp("Now the map has a greyscale colour theme")

disp('The map in the figure will load shortly ..')
%%Loops over the hours and shows the ozone layer for that hour
for k = 1 : length(time)
clf; %%clear figure window
matrix = pcolor(X,Y,SelectedOzone(:,:,k)');
matrix.EdgeAlpha = 0;
matrix.FaceAlpha = 0.8;
load coast %%loads the coastlines on map
cities = shaperead('worldcities', 'UseGeoCoords', true);%%loads the cities
bar = colorbar; %%creating the colour bar on the side which indicates the ozone levels
bar.Label.String = 'Ozone Level';
geoshow(cities, 'Marker', '+', 'Color', 'red') %%shows the cities on the map
hold on;
title(sprintf('Ensemble Data on Europe'))
annotation('textbox' , [0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0], 'string', "Major European cities outlined by '+' symbol", 'EdgeColor','none')

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