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aa7401 committed Feb 25, 2020
1 parent 7f9d1cf commit bb3d384b953fa3c452e9b3a53a8fe2e13be978c6
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Each member of the team also produced their individual professional development
2. Create a new page in the same document and, by reviewing the new skills matrix and through discussions with the rest of the team pick three skills from the updated skills matrix:
1. Review the task you will be carrying out in the next sprint and identify one skill that will _have an immediate impact_ on your team's ability to deliver this.
2. Review the revised skills matrix and identify a skill where the team are _generally weak_ (lots of red) and add this to your CPD.
3. Finally choose a skill you want to improve (regardless of the overall team's skill level)
3. Finally choose a skill you want to improve (regardless of the overall team's skill level). This cound come from the skills matrix but could also be based on one of the lecture topics such as _psychology_ or _leadership_.
3. For each skill identified:
1. Explain why you want to do this (task/team/indvidual needs).
2. Explain how you will show you have achieved this.

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