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aa7401 committed Oct 2, 2019
1 parent 88a4b30 commit 7ce455b99ddbcb99198f5aebcc05137e8d57f87c
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ You should complete the following steps, either in a small group or on your own:
1. Read the details of the assignment you have been allocated. This contains a number of statements in plain English that describe the domain as understood by the _client_ depicted in your scenario. This simulates the notes you would be taking in an early meeting with your client. Note that there are no computing-related technical terms.
2. Extract the **Domain Language** and carefully define what is meant by each of the terms and expressions _in the context your your domain_. Be sure you remove any ambiguity. This simulates a detailed and probing discussion with the client.
1. Write the terms down.
2. For eahc of these describe what they mean so that a software engineer will understand.
2. For each of these describe what they mean so that a software engineer will understand.
3. Finally you should use the information you have recorded so far to build a class diagram. This should include:
1. The domain classes (or artefacts).
2. Key attributes of each class (but only list the ones that directly relate to the domain discussed, this is not meant to be a database schema!).

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