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Added Remote Working Lab
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aa7401 committed Mar 19, 2020
1 parent fceece1 commit 0afb92272afe778ffc9763d5cdaa0765c6537933
Showing 1 changed file with 28 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

# Remote Working

In this final sprint you will be distance working (not co-located). In the first two sprints you mastered the key concepts behind agile but, by working remotely, communication will clearly become an issue! You should be reflecting on how this impacts team communication and how it was improved in your reflective report.

## Preparation

Whilst there are no hard and fast rules for working remotely, you should consider the following:

1. Are all relevant materials accessible by all members of the team and does everyone know how to find and updated them?
2. Does everyone know when the daily standups are running (dates and times)? Make sure this is clearly communicated by adding calendar events and making sure everyone confirms attendance.
3. If you are not able to attend one of the stand-ups please notify the rest of the team in plenty of time so they are not sitting around wasting time waiting for you to come online.
4. Make sure all documentation is fully up to date.

## Steps

Your team have already completed these tasks in earlier sprints. Please refer to the detailed instructions you used before.

1. Complete the sprint review (task), retrospective (team) and DPR (individual) reviews.
2. Conduct the sprint planning meeting, scheduling in the meeting with one of the lab supervisors.
3. The sprint will last for 2 weeks so schedule in the daily standups in the calendar. Now you don't have to travel in you should make these **daily**.

## Online Collaboration Tools

In this final sprint you should be making use of the following:

1. MS Teams video calling. This includes a virtual whiteboard tool you should be using in the planning stages.
2. VS Code Live Share, a plugin to allow two or more developers to edit the same code at the same time.

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