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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python script to build a dissertation based on Markdown / Pandoc
Author: Ethan Smith-Coss
Original Author: Daniel Goldsmith
Majority of the original software has been modified to be compatible with modern versions of pandoc.
Software may not be backwards compatible pre-2.11. For the original source code by Original Author, see:
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import getopt
help_msg = f"""Usage: {sys.argv[0]} [options] file...
-b, --bibliography=FILE Change bibliography file to read (default: 'include/bibliography')
--crossref Use the pandoc-crossref filter (external package, must exist on system and in PATH).
--engine= Change the PDF engine used by pandoc (default: pdflatex).
--include-path=PATH Change the include directory path (default: 'include').
--no-submodule Do not use submodules when compiling. --submodule-path and --include-path are ignored.
(Assumes all files are located in runtime directory.)
-o, --output=FILE Change the output file.
--pandoc=STRING Send native options to pandoc (string of options).
--submodule-path=PATH Change the submodule directory path (default: 'templates').
-h, --help Print this help message and exit.
Contacts: Please create an Issue on the project's GitHub repository for anything relevant to development of software.
class Builder:
def __init__(self, OUT_FILE, *args, **kwargs):
self.SOURCE_FILES_PATH = "include"
self.SOURCE_FILES = [""]
#Are you using the Recommended Submodule Approach
self.SUBMODULE = True
#If you rename the Templates repository, Let the script know.
self.TEMPLATE_PATH = "templates"
self.HEADER_FILE = ""
self.BIBLIOGRAPHY = "include/bibliography.bib"
# Pandoc Template
self.LATEX_TEMPLATE = "disso.latex"
self.OUTPUT_FILE = OUT_FILE # set the default output file
self.PDF_ENGINE = "pdflatex"
## Pandoc options when compiling
self.PANDOC_OPTS = ["--top-level-division=chapter",
def build(self, in_file):
"""Build the list that we send to pandoc"""
if self.SUBMODULE:
self.HEADER_FILE = os.path.join(self.TEMPLATE_PATH, self.HEADER_FILE)
## build source files with appropriate path prefix
self.SOURCE_FILES = [os.path.join(self.SOURCE_FILES_PATH, f) for f in self.SOURCE_FILES]
## add the template to the Pandoc options list
## if the user disabled bibliography generation, don't run this.
if not self.NO_BIBLIOGRAPHY:
self.PANDOC_OPTS.extend(["--bibliography={0}".format(self.BIBLIOGRAPHY), "--citeproc"])
#Actually Build the list
cmds = ["pandoc", *self.PANDOC_OPTS, in_file, self.HEADER_FILE,
*self.SOURCE_FILES, "-o", self.OUTPUT_FILE], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def main():
## define how CLI arguments should be parsed into options and positionals
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:o:h',
['pandoc=', 'help', 'no-submodule', 'include-path=', 'output=', 'bibliography=',
'no-bibliography', 'template-path=', 'crossref'])
## special handle to see if help is asked anywhere in the command before operating on STDIN
for option, _ in optlist:
if option in ('-h', '--help'):
## if [FILE] is omitted (or argument is '-'), read from STDIN
if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == '-':
infile = sys.stdin.readline()
## get the basename of the file itself, split the extension and grab file name
in_file = os.path.basename(args[0]).split('.')[0]
builder = Builder(in_file+".pdf") # output is dependent on name of input (use same name as PDF)
## loop over all of our options we can have
## @:NOTE: `setattr` is only used to suppress the linter about changing "constant" attributes of the class.
## Technically the attributes of the class are "constant" during the build phase, but some CLI
## arguments change those "constants". (Python is chaotic neutral, don't worry about it.)
for option, value in optlist:
if option in ('-o', '--output'):
setattr(builder, 'OUTPUT_FILE', value) # change the output file to user-defined
elif option in ('-b', '--bibliography'):
setattr(builder, 'BIBLIOGRAPHY', value) # change the bibliography file
elif option == "--no-bibliography":
setattr(builder, 'NO_BIBLIOGRAPHY', True) # diasble bibliography generation
elif option == '--pandoc':
builder.PANDOC_OPTS.extend(value.split()) # commands to pandoc must be native (Q.E.D)
elif option == '--no-submodule':
setattr(builder, 'SUBMODULE', False) # disable submodules
elif option == '--include-path':
setattr(builder, 'SOURCE_FILES_PATH', value.rstrip("/")) # change the default path for source files
elif option == '--template-path':
setattr(builder, 'TEMPLATE_PATH', value.rstrip("/")) # change the default path for template files
elif option == "--crossref":
builder.PANDOC_OPTS.append("-F pandoc-crossref") # include the pandoc-crossref filter (external tool)
elif option == "--engine":
setattr(builder, 'PDF_ENGINE', value.strip())
print(help_msg) # an unknown option was given
## if we have more than one file, the others are additional source files.
## @:NOTE: assume the first file contains the required data to build a cover page correctly.
if len(args) > 1:
## call the builder with input file[0])
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Build the damm thing