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Up to now you have seen two ways the server can send response data to the client web browser:

  1. Sending the contents of an HTML file. This is great for complex web pages but you can't include dynamic data.
  2. Using the res.write(), res.send() and res.end() functions to send dynamic data. The limitation is that its quite clunky and would be completely inpractical for complex web pages.

In this section you will be introduced to a third approach which combines the best features of each the other two approaches, the use of a templating view engine.

There are a number of templating view engines that are compatible with Express however in this worksheet we will be using one of the more popular ones, called Handlebars. This needs to be imported into your script and set the default layout page.

Locate the files in the 06_templating/01_date/ directory, install the dependencies and start the server.

1 Basic Templating

Access the base route /, notice that you are seeing a basic html page. Open the script:

  1. We start by importing the Handlebars package and create a default layout called main. This defines the main.handlebars page as the one to use as the default website layout.
    1. Open the views/layouts/main.handlebars file.
    2. This template page will be used by all the pages in the website.
    3. Notice there is a {{{body}}} placeholder, this defines where the different page templates will be inserted.
  2. In the base route / we call the res.render() function and pass it the name of the template we want to use:
    1. The parameter is a string, home.
    2. This refers to the template views/home.handlebars
  3. The contents of the home.handebars template is inserted into the layout file replacing the {{{body}}} placeholder.

1.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Create a /hello route that uses a template file called hello.handlebars to display a heading with the text Hello World!
  2. Use the knowledge from the css lab to add and link an external stylesheet to display the heading in red.
    1. Define a directory for static files.
    2. Create a style.css file in this directory that sets the heading red.
    3. Add a link to the main layout file to import this stylesheet.

2 Inserting Data into a Template

So far we have not done anything particularly useful except separate out the layout from the content. In this section you will learn how to insert data directly into a template before it is rendered to the browser.

In the previous example you have seen how to insert single values into a web page but how to we display lists of data? A list is stored in an array in JavaScript so the first task is to ensure your data is in an array. If you recall lab 3 you will remember that the sqlite db.all() function returns an Array.

Restart the server and access the /date route. Notice that it displays the current date in the browser. Open the index.js file and locate the route.

  1. We start by creating a new Date object.
  2. We use its built-in functions to create a string containing the current date.
  3. Next we create a JavaScript object that contains all the data we want to send to the template:
    1. In this example we have a title property containing the string My First Template.
    2. We have a seccond property called today that contains the date string we have just built.
  4. Finally we call res.render() but this time we pass the data as the second parameter.

To understand what happens to this data we need to understand the template. Locate the views/date.handlebars template file:

  1. Notice that there are two placeholders, shown as {{xxx}}.
    1. Each placeholder has a name.
    2. The names need to match the properties in the data we are sending to the template.
  2. Each placeholder is replaced by the data stored against the object property:
    1. The {{title}} placeholder is replaced by the string My First Template.
    2. The {{date}} placeholder is replaced with the date string we built in the script.

2.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Use suitable properties of the Date object to display the date in a variety of different formats in a series of paragraph elements:
    1. dd/mm/yyyy
    2. a Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970)
  2. Add a table to display some information about the client computer (using the req.connection object).
  3. Extend the table to display the header information (using the req.headers object).

3 Repeating Data

So far we have inserted data from object properties into our templates. This works find for single records however often we will have multiple records to display such as the results of a database query. In this situation we will need to repeat a block of html code such as a list item or table row.

Restart the server and view the /food route. Notice that it displays a numbered list showing four food items. Locate the route in your script.

  1. We start by creating an array. Each imdex contains an object with two properties, name and qty.
  2. We pass the array to res.render() as a JavaScript object using the myFood property.

Open the food.handlebars template:

  1. Notice that there is an ordered list element.
  2. Inside this there is a special helper, {{#each myFood}}
    1. The helper also has a closing block {{/each}}
    2. The myFood property is passed to the opening block.
  3. This block loops through the array stored in the myFood property.
  4. The this object holds the object for the current index.
    1. So this.item returns the item property (the name of the food item).

This allows the handlebars template view engine to handle repeated data.

3.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Modify the template to display the shopping items in a html table instead of an ordered list.
  2. Add a second column to display the quantities of each item.
  3. Add a table header to display column headings.
  4. Without adding any more html, colour every other row of the table in light grey.

4 Putting it Together

You have covered a lot of topics over the first few weeks of the module. Before you continue, complete the challenges listed below. These will help you revise all the content you have covered.

The 02_bookshop/ directory contains a 2-page template-driven dynamic website based on the data you used in the Databases lab. Install the dependencies, start the server and access the base route / and the /details/1 route then study the script index.js.

Now try to complete the following challenges:

  1. Add a route called /about that displays information about the fictional bookshop.
  2. Add a footer that appears on all pages using the correct html5 element.
  3. Convert the list of books into a table.
  4. Add a column to display the ISBN number
  5. Add a hyperlink to the book titles to jump to the correct book details page.
  6. Add a column that displays links to take you to the Amazon product page (hint: use the ISBN number and study this link carefully!).
  7. Create and link a stylesheet to improve the page appearance:
    1. Style the header.
    2. Style the footer.
    3. Make the table easier to read.
  8. Add all the database fields to the product details page.
  9. Modify the stylesheet to improve the appearance.

The Express Web Server

In the previous worksheet you learned the basics of the JavaScript language. In this worksheet you will be applying these skills to understand how to use the NodeJS Express module to host a dynamic website. It is vitally important that you have completed all the exercises in the previous worksheet before continuing. You should refer to the lecture slides when completing the worksheet activities.

By the end of this worksheet you will be able to build simply dynamic websites using Express.


  1. Package Manifests
  2. Routes
  3. Request and response objects
  4. Templating
  5. Modular code

Before you start this worksheet make sure you have the latest lab materials:

$ git stash
$ git pull origin master
$ git stash pop

1 Package Manifests

A package manifest is an json-formatted file called package.json that is created in the root directory of a NodeJS application. I describes the application (name, author, etc), the entry point (the script that needs to be run to launch the application) and identifies the third-party packages (including their specific versions) needed to run the application. It also supports development be defining the packages needed to support the code development and also allows us to define command _aliases) which means we don't need to type in complex commands.

The real benefit to having dependencies defined like this in package.json, is that it becomes possible to install the correct versions of all the required packages with a single command. This means that we could use an automated build and deploy tool.

1.1 Understanding the Manifest

Let's look at a simple example. You can find this in the examples/06_express/todo/ directory. Open the package.json file:

  1. The first few keys define the project name, author name, etc.
  2. The main key contains the script that should be run to start the application, in this example, index.js is the entry point to our application. This is mainly used by automated build-deply tools so they know how to start the app.
  3. Next there is a scripts object. This is where we can define script aliases. These store complex commands and allow them to be executed using shorter commands:
    1. try running npm run hello.
    2. Can you see what has happened?
    3. Try npm run start.
    4. Because this is such a useful command we can abbreviate it to npm start, try this.
  4. After this there is a dependencies object. This lists all the packages needed for the application to run.
    1. Instead of installing each package separately try the command npm install --only=production.
    2. Now lets see what packages were installed using npm list --depth=0. You should see that the express package was installed. The package version should match that specified in the dependencies object.
  5. The final object is called devDependencies and contains all the packages needed to develop the application.
    1. Lets install these packages using npm install --only=dev. This will install the eslint package.
    2. List the locally-installed modules again using npm list --depth=0 to make sure the package was installed.

You have probably spotted another file called package-lock.json. This contains a list of all packages installed indicating their dependencies plus details of all dependencies.

1.2 Creating and Editing the Manifest

Now we understand the contents of the manifest we will create one from scratch.

  1. Open the SSH Terminal and navigate to the exercises/06_express/todo/ directory.
  2. Delete the current manifest using rm package.json and the package lock file using rm package-lock.json.
  3. Delete the node_modules/ directory using rm -rf node_modules
  4. Run the manifest wizard using npm init and choose the default options by pressing enter for each question. This will create a new package.json file.
  5. Install the express package using npm install --save express. The --save flag adds the package to the manifest file in the dependencies object.
  6. Install the eslint package using npm install --save-dev eslint. The --save-dev flag adds the package to the manifest file in the devDependencies object.
  7. Open the package.json and check that these two packages are listed.
  8. add a hello object to the scripts object and set its value to "echo HelloWorld!".

2 Routing

  1. Start by locating the exercises/06_express/todo/ directory and locate the index.js file. This is the routing file used by the express web server.
  2. The first few lines import the package and configure the server:
    1. Lines 3-4 import the express package and create an instance called app.
    2. Next the port number is stored in a constant. You should always handle numbers by assigning to constants to make their purpose clear.
  3. Next, on lines 9-11 we define a route. This has two parameters:
    1. The path to match. In this case, the / represents the base url with no additional segments.
    2. The function to run if this route is accessed. In this case it loads the contents of the coventry.html file and sends it back to the web browser.
  4. Finally we tell express to listen on the specified port. There are two parameters:
    1. The port.
    2. A function to run as soon as the server is ready to receive requests.
    3. Now open the SSH Terminal and navigate to the directory, install the express package and run the index.js file.
    4. Finally you need to open a browser tab and navigate to the base URL on the correct port. You will see the following:

2.1 Routes

Every request sent from the client is handled by a route. The server compares the requested HTTP method and route against the strings passed as the first parameter until it finds a match. If there are no routes that match the specific URL the express server will repond with a 404 NOT FOUND response.

When a match is found, the server runs the callback (anonymous function) that has been supplied as the second parameter. This function takes three parameters:

  1. A request object that contains all the data passed as part of the HTTP request headers.
  2. A response object that will contain the data to be returned the the client as part of the response.
  3. A body object that contains the string passed as the request body.
app.get('/test', (req, res, body) {
    // code goes here

use the todo/ example

2.2 The Request Object

The request object that contains all the data passed as part of the HTTP request headers and body. it contains all the information from these headers, in particular, given the request:
Object Contains Example
req.query The querystring gender=male
req.body The request body -
req.hostname The server hostname www
req.baseUrl The base URL
req.path The route /hello/mark
req.ip The server IP address
req.params The parameters /mark

req.accepts(types) Checks if the specified content types are acceptable, based on the request’s Accept HTTP header field. The method returns the best match, or if none of the specified content types is acceptable, returns false (in which case, the application should respond with 406 "Not Acceptable"). req.accepts('html')

req.get(field) Returns the specified HTTP request header field (case-insensitive match). The Referrer and Referer fields are interchangeable. req.get('Content-Type')

2.3 The Response Object

The response object contains the data to be returned to the client as the HTTP response. It contains a number of functions.

Function Description Example
res.write() adds text to the response body res.write('hello world')
res.send() sends text to the response body and sends to client res.send('hello world')
res.setHeader() adds a new response header res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html')
res.sendFile() sends the contents of a file to the client res.sendFile(\${__dirname}/form.html`)`
res.status() sets the HTTP status res.status(201)
res.end() sends the current response body to the client res.end()

currency/ example

3 Modular Code

Un until now, all your JavaScript/NodeJS code has been in a single file (commonly named index.js). Whilst this works for small scripts, as your scripts get longer it becomes increasingly difficult to manage. The solution is to modularise your code by splitting it up into several different files.

3.1 Reducing the Size of the Routes File

Your first step should be to remove as much code as possible from your main routes file. The file should handle the http requests and send back the response but nothing else. let's look at an example.

Open the books/index.js file. This file contains 2 routes, /bad and /good. Start the server and view the /bad route which should display a form which allows you to search for a book. Try searching for books on different topics to see how this works.

As you search:

  1. Examine the URL used and identify any query parameters.
  2. Study the index.html template file to understand how the data is rendered.
  3. Study the code in the routes file. Notice there are two nested callbacks.

You have probably noticed that there is a lot of code in the /bad route! This code does 2 different tasks:

  1. It contains the business logic to make API requests and tidy the data.
  2. It also takes this data and sends it back to the browser as an HTTP response.

This is why the code is hard to read. It therefore makes the code difficult to maintain and new features are likely to introduce bugs. Later on, when we start automating our code testing we would quickly discover this code is very difficult to write tests for. To fix this we need to separate out the business logic from the routing.

3.2 The Exports Object

Every NodeJS file includes a special module object that represents the current module. It contains a nested object called exports. Anything in this exports object will be exposed (public) whenever this module is imported and used.

// basic.js = 'John Doe'

module.exports.hello = (name, callback) => {
  // code goes here.
  return callback(null, `hello ${name}`)

In this example, the name property is available to any script importing this module. We also have a function expression in the hello property.

To use this we need to import this basic.js module.

const basic = import('./basic')


basic.hello('Mark', (err, data) => {
  if(err) console.log('an error has occurred')

Let's look at a more useful example! Open the books/books.js file. Notice that there is a function expression stored in the module.exports.searchByString property. This means it is visible outside the module. This takes the data from the request and returns books based on the search query, it does not add this data to the template or return it to the client.

Now look at the index.js file and locate the /good route. You can see immediately that there is a lot less code. The code here calls the searchByString() function expression and then uses the callback to add the data to the template and send the response to the client.

3.3 Private Functions

Any function in a module that has not been added to the module.exports object is visible only to other code in the module (private scope). locate the buildString function. Notice that this is a standard function that is used to build the correct URL. It is used in the betterSearchString function literal and replaces a block of inline code.

3.4 Test Your Understanding

  1. Modify the template to display the data as a 3 column table with the title in the first column, the ISBN in the second and the unique id in the third.
  2. Add a hyperlink to the title to link to the route /book/XXXXX, where XXXXX is the unique ID of that book.
    1. Now remove the third column.
    2. Clicking on these links will display a message 'page not found'.
  3. Create a new route to handle this, the route will be /book/:id. This should initially just display the id of the book on the page.
    1. You can access the ID value in your script using the object.
  4. Create and export a new function literal in the books.js file, this should retrieve the book title, description and author(s) and display these:
    1. Use the URL to retrieve the book details (where XXXXX is the book ID).
    2. Print this to the console to identify the structure.
    3. Extract the data and print to the console.
    4. Build a new html template called book.html to display the information.
  5. Create a back button to return to the search results.
    1. How can you ensure the search results are still there when you click on this button?
  6. Can you replace the callbacks with promises/async functions?
  7. Can you split the code logic into multiple functions?