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Reinforcement Learning

Policy evaluation (prediction)

Why study Dynamic Programming?

  • DP assumes perfect model and is computationally expensive
  • Still important theoretically, though
  • Basis for understanding

Expectation (reminder)

  • Expected value is the average outcome of a random event given a large number of trials
  • Where all possible values are equally likely, this is simply the mean of possible values
  • Where each $x_i$ occurs with probability $p(x_i)$, we have the sum $$ \mathbb{E}\left[ x \right] = ∑i{p({x_i}) x_i} $$
  • Quick quiz: what’s the expected value of a fair, 6-sized dice?

Expectation with a subscript?

  • When we have a subscript, that means according to that probability measure $$ \mathbb{E}_y[x] = ∑_i p_y(x_i)x_i $$ where $p_y$ is a probability measure for $x$ that might differ from the sampling probability.

Bellman optimality equation

  • Dynamic programming is based on solving Bellman’s optimality equation

$$ v_*(s) = max_a \mathbb{E}\left[ Rt+1 + γ v_*(St+1) | S_t=s, A_t=a \right] $$

  • why is this equation so important and what do the variables mean?

Policy evaluation (prediction)

Evaluation asks:

  • Given a policy $π$, what is the expected value $v_π$ of each state $s$? $$ v_π(s) \doteq \mathbb{E}_π[G_t | S_t=s] $$

Policy evaluation (2)

  • We can substitute for the $G_t$ based on $$ G_t \doteq Rt+1 + γ Rt+2 + γ^2 Rt+3 + \cdots $$ or more simply $$ G_t = Rt+1 + γ Gt+1 $$

Policy evaluation (3)

We should get $$ v_π(s) = ∑_a π(a|s) ∑s’,r p(s’,r|s,a)\left[r+γ v_π(s’)\right] $$ where

  • $p(s’,r|s,a)$ is the transition probability
  • $π(a|s)$ is the probability of taking action $a$ when in state $s$
  • $r$ is the immediate reward
  • $γ$ is the discount factor

Policy evaluation (4)

For this simple recycle robot, write down the set of equations for $v_π(s)$ assuming that $π$ is a uniform distribution over actions.


Policy evaluation (5)

Here is the equation for $v_π(\mathrm{high})$: \begin{eqnarray*} v_π(\mathrm{high}) & = & \frac{1}{2} (r_\mathrm{wait} + γ v_π (\mathrm{high})) +
&& \frac{1}{2} \Big( α (r_\mathrm{search} + γ v_π (\mathrm{high})) + \ && (1-α) (r_\mathrm{search}+ γ v_π (\mathrm{low}))\Big) \end{eqnarray*}

LP solution

Note that we have equations in the form: $$ v(a) = k_1 v(a) + k_2 v(b) + k_3 $$ which can be converted into $$ -k_3 = (k_1 - 1) v(a) + k_2 v(b) $$ or $$ \begin{pmatrix} -k_3
\vdots \end{pmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} (k_1 - 1) & k_2 \ \vdots & \vdots \end{bmatrix} \mathbf{v} $$

Which can be solved by inverting the matrix. Do try this at home!

Iterative policy evaluation


Iterative policy evaluation


Approximate methods

  • It is also possible to find the solution iteratively by starting off with some guesses for $v$ and updating according to the equations.
  • This approach forms the basis of many other methods and for large MDPs we will never attempt using LP

Policy improvement

Policy improvement

  • Given that we can evaluate any policy, we can therefore improve it by updating the policy so that it takes the action that maximises the resulting value
  • We define the expected value of taking an action $a$ and then following $π$ from then on $$ q_π(s, a) \doteq \mathbb E [Rt+1 + γ v_π(St+1) | S_t = s, A_t = a] $$
  • which expands to $$ = ∑s’,r p(s’,r|s, a) [r + γ v_π(s’)] $$

Policy improvement (2)

  • If we can find some $a$ for which $q_π (s, a) > v_π(s)$, then we can improve $π$ by adjusting it to use $a$
  • If we cannot find any improvement for all states then $π$ must be optimal
  • Discuss:
    • what aspects of MDPs are relied on to ensure this is true?

Policy iteration

Policy iteration algorithm

S1: Initialisation

S2: Policy evaluation

  • Loop:
    • $Δ ← 0$
    • Loop for each $s∈ S$:
      • $v ← V(s)$
      • $V(s) ← ∑s’,r p(s’,r|s, π(s)) [r + γ V(s’)]$
      • $Δ ← max(Δ, |v - V(s)|)$
    • until $Δ < θ$

S3: Policy Improvement

  • $\textit{policy-stable} ← 1$
  • For each $s∈ S$:
    • $\textit{old-action}← π(s)$
    • $π(s) ← arg\max_a ∑s’,r p(s’, r|s, a) [r + γ V(s’)]$
    • If $\textit{old-action}≠ π(s)$, then $\textit{policy-stable} ← 0$
  • If $\textit{policy-stable}$, then stop and return $V≈ v_*$ and $π ≈ π_*$; else go to 2

Exercise: Policy iteration for action values

Revise the algorithm on the previous page to use action values $q$ instead and thus find $q_*$.

Value iteration

Value iteration

  • A problem with policy iteration is the need to perform policy evaluation to some accuracy before improving the policy.
  • Value iteration skips finding the policy and just updates the value to the maximum value $$ v(s) ← max_a \mathbb{E} [Rt+1 + γ v(St+1) | S_t=s, A_t =a ] $$
  • The algorithm terminates when the size of the updates to any $v(s)$ is smaller than some threshold

