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Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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executable file 277 lines (213 sloc) 7.65 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import getopt
from lxml import etree
import sys, os, re
import logging
def process_xml( xml ):
allowTags = ("Section","TestCase")
root = etree.fromstring( xml )
# pull out the info tags that apply to each expression
infoData = {}
infoTemp = []
for element in root.iter("Expression", "Info", "Failure"):
if element.tag == "Info":
infoTemp.append( element.text.strip() )
elif element.tag in ("Expression","Failure"):
infoData[element] = infoTemp
infoTemp = []
del infoTemp
errors = 0
results = []
# handle expression tags
for expression in root.findall(".//Expression[@success='false']"):
errors += 1
# print out section and info data
for section in ( i for i in expression.iterancestors() if i.tag in allowTags ):
results[-1]["explanation"].append( section.get("name") )
# find applicable info blocks
results[-1]["info"] = infoData[expression]
# print out the data from the actual error
results[-1]["testing"] = expression.find("Original").text.strip()
results[-1]["values"] = expression.find("Expanded").text.strip()
# handle failure tags
for failure in root.findall(".//Failure"):
errors += 1
# print out section and info data
for section in ( i for i in failure.iterancestors() if i.tag in allowTags ):
results[-1]["explanation"].append( section.get("name") )
# find applicable info blocks
results[-1]["info"] = infoData[failure]
results[-1]["fail"] = failure.text.strip()
tests = len(list(root.findall(".//Expression")))
return errors, tests, results
def config_cmake():
cmd = ("cmake", ".", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug")
logger = logging.getLogger("config_cmake")
logger.debug( " ".join(cmd) )
shell = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
out = b''
exitCode = None
while exitCode is None:
exitCode = shell.poll()
out +=
return shell.wait() == 0, out.decode()
def compile_cmake( testName ):
cmd = ("cmake", "--build", ".", "--target", testName)
logger = logging.getLogger("compile_cmake")
logger.debug( " ".join(cmd) )
shell = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
out = b''
exitCode = None
while exitCode is None:
exitCode = shell.poll()
out +=
return shell.wait() == 0, out.decode()
def run_test( testRunner ):
cmd = ( testRunner,"--reporter","xml","--success" )
logger = logging.getLogger("run_test")
logger.debug( " ".join(cmd) )
shell = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
out = err = b''
exitCode = None
while exitCode is None:
exitCode = shell.poll()
out +=
err +=
return False, exitCode == 255, out, err.decode()
def run_test_leaks( testRunner ):
cmd = ("valgrind","--leak-check=full",
"--reporter", "xml", "--success")
logger = logging.getLogger("run_test_leaks")
logger.debug( " ".join(cmd) )
shell = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
out = err = b''
exitCode = None
while exitCode is None:
exitCode = shell.poll()
out +=
err +=
return exitCode == 254, exitCode == 255, out, err.decode()
def display_test_results( results, printErrors ):
WIDTH = 40
if len(results) == 0: return
if printErrors == 0: return
if printErrors == None: printErrors = len(results)
for result in results[:printErrors]:
if len(result["explanation"]) > 0:
for line in reversed(result["explanation"]):
if result["info"] != []:
print( "Info : {}".format(result["info"][0]) )
for info in result["info"][1:]:
print( " {}".format(info) )
if "testing" in result: print( "Testing: {}".format(result["testing"]) )
if "values" in result: print( "Failed : {}".format(result["values"]) )
if "fail" in result: print( "Failed : {}".format(result["fail"]) )
SUBDIRREG = re.compile( r'subdirs\(\s*\"{0,}([a-zA-Z_\-\s0-9\.\\\/]*[a-zA-Z_\-0-9\.\\\/])\"{0,1}\s*\)' )
TESTRUNNERREG = re.compile( r'add_test\(\s*([a-zA-Z_\-0-9\.\\]{1,})\s*"{0,1}([^"]*)"{0,1}\s*\)' )
def get_test_runners( filename="CTestTestfile.cmake", path="." ):
runners = {}
with open( os.path.join(path,filename), "r" ) as f:
for line in f:
subdir =
if subdir:
subRunners = get_test_runners( path=os.path.join(path, ) )
testRunner =
if testRunner:
runners[] =
return runners
def clean( test ):
logger = logging.getLogger("cleaning")
filename = os.path.join("Testing","bin",test)
if os.path.exists( filename ):
logger.debug( f"Remove {filename}" )
os.remove( filename )
logger.debug( f"{'Failed' if os.path.exists(filename) else 'Success'}")
def main( test, leakCheck=True, numTests=None, printErrors=None ):
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.debug( "Cleaning" )
clean( test )
logger.debug( "Config cmake" )
success, output = config_cmake()
logger.debug( "\n"+output )
if not success:
print( output )
return 1
logger.debug( "Compile cmake" )
success, output = compile_cmake( test )
logger.debug( "\n"+output )
if not success:
print( "Compilation failed" )
print( output )
return 2
logger.debug( "Get test runners" )
runners = get_test_runners()
logger.debug( " ".join(runners.keys()) )
if test not in runners:
print( "Could not find test runner" )
return 6
test_func = run_test_leaks if leakCheck else run_test
logger.debug( f"Execute test runner {test_func.__name__}" )
leaks, catcherror, xml, message = test_func( runners[test] )
logger.debug( "Process XML" )
testErrors, testsRun, testResults = process_xml( xml )
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
print( f"Could not test, suspect the code crashed. Check for runtime errors." )
return 99
logger.debug( f"Errors: {testErrors}, Run: {testsRun}, Results: {testResults}" )
exitCode = 0
if catcherror:
print( message )
exitCode = 6
elif numTests != None and testsRun < numTests:
print( f"Expecting {numTests} test/s but only found {testsRun}" )
exitCode = 5
if printErrors not in (None,0) and testErrors > printErrors:
print( "Displaying {} out of {} error/s".format(printErrors,testErrors) )
elif not catcherror:
print( "Found {} error/s".format(testErrors) )
if testErrors != 0:
logger.debug( "Test errors == 0")
exitCode = 3
if leaks:
print( "Memory leak/s detected" )
exitCode = 4
logger.debug( "Display results" )
display_test_results( testResults, printErrors )
return exitCode
if __name__ == "__main__":
options, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'hmt:d:g', ["help","memoryoff", "tests=","display=","debug"] )
usage = """codiotest TESTNAME
Performs the actions needed to compile and run the named testrunner
-m -memoryoff Disable the memory leak check
-t --tests NUM Add an additional check that the test
runner must have at least NUM tests"""
memoryCheck = True
tests = None
displayErrors = 2
for opt, arg in options:
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-m', '--memoryoff'):
memoryCheck = False
elif opt in ('-t', '--tests'):
tests = int(arg)
elif opt in ('-d', '--display'):
displayErrors = int(arg)
if displayErrors < 0: displayErrors = None
elif opt in ('-g', '--debug'):
sys.exit( main( args[0], leakCheck=memoryCheck, numTests=tests, printErrors=displayErrors ) )