Data from other APIs / Screen scraping read only
Need to add value to this
Demonstrate CRUD
So need to store data
Script restart needed if code changes
Relational database
Document database
Graph database
Stores text in file against key
Formatted as JSON data
Easy to store and retrieve by key
Simple to implement
Difficult to query
const storage = require('node-persist')
exports.addBook = function(isbn, callback) {
const data = {
title: 'The Hobbit',
authors: 'J.R.R. Tolkien',
description: 'Hobbit finds ring...'
storage.setItemSync(isbn, data)
Stores JavaScript objects
Can be queried using JavaScript
There are several ways to access a MongoDB database. You can make use of a cloud provider such as mLab or you can install the database locally on your development machine.
The best way to install it on a Mac is to use the Homebrew package manager. The installation instructions can be found in the introductory chapter of this book. To install MongoDB
brew install mongodb
You need to create a data directory and change its permissions before starting the database server.
$ mkdir -p /data/db
$ sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
$ mongod
Mongoose Example.
Start by defining a schema file:
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const bookSchema = new Schema({
title: String,
authors: String,
description: String
const Book = mongoose.model('Book', bookSchema)
module.exports = Book
Storing a document.
const book = new Book({
title: data.title,
authors: data.authors,
description: data.description
}) function(err, book) {
if (err) {
callback( Error(`database error: ${err}`) )
return callback(null, book)
Good for modelling relationships
Familiar data storage
Supports complex queries
Difficult to scale
Data needs normalising
const mysql = require('mysql')
const request = require('request')
const connection = mysql.createConnection({ host: 'xxx', port: '3306', user: 'xxx', password: 'xxx', database: 'xxx' })
const sql = 'INSERT INTO books (id, title, authors, description) VALUES (NULL, "The Hobbit, "J.R.R. Tolkien", "Ring found")'
connection.query(sql, (err, rows) => {
if (err) callback( Error(`database error: ${err}`) )
return callback(null, rows)
- Type of data to be stored
- How this will be retrieved
- Complexity
Online Hosting
- Relational MySQL
- Document MongoDB
- Graph Neo4J