implicit variables and immutable variables
explicit variables
values need to be explicitly converted
use () to convert a variable to a string (in quotes)
arrays and dictionaries
- implicit and explicit variable data types
- strings
- string interpolation ()
- chars (converting string to array of chars).
- arrays
- introspection (type)
- enumerated
- characters
- repeat while
- conditional (if)
- optionals
- exit (quit script with exit code)
- enumerations (errors)
- exception handling & throwing errors
- guard let else
- switch
- type of
- declaring functions
- return types
- unused vars
- functions that throw errors
let colours:[String] = ["red", "orange", "green"]
var shoppingList = [String]()
shoppingList += ["Bread"]
for item in shoppingList {
var book = [
"isbn": "1491943122",
"title": "Learning Node"
var ages = [String:Int]()
ages["john"] = 42
ages["jane"] = 24
for (name, age) in ages {
print("\(name) is \(age) years old")
// normally functions use their parameter names as labels so you need to have a custom argument label before each parameter name.
func printPerson(withName name:String, andAge age:Int) {
print("\(name) is \(age) years old")
printPerson(withName: "frank", andAge: 64)
// use _ if you want to omit the first argument label.
func add(_ num1:Int, and num2:Int) -> Int {
return num1 + num2
print(add(24, and: 42))
- objects and classes
- importing from separate file
- create instance by putting parenthesis before class name.
- private instance variables
- properties (getters and setters)
- methods
- static
- closures (callbacks)
- importing XCUnit