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ab5603 committed Oct 16, 2018
1 parent 884f9ea commit 7669eae2ac7de9efa9c1710c10d0f722879536ef
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# XML and Gradle

Many of you have used virtual machines such as VMware Workstation Player or VirtualBox where one can setup several virtual operating systems in parallel on a single machine. In fact, Android uses similar technologies. In Android, each app runs within its own virtual machine a.k.a. sandbox. The Android system treats apps as different 'users', hence they need permissions per se to access sensors etc.
Many of you have used virtual machines such as VMware Workstation Player or VirtualBox where one can setup several virtual operating systems in parallel on a single machine. In fact, Android uses similar technologies. In Android, each app runs within its own virtual machine a.k.a. sandbox. The Android system treats apps as different 'users', hence they need permissions to access sensors etc.

In order to produce functional apps, you need to design front-end GUI layouts and back-end actions. You also need to define app-level entry point and permissions etc. Eventually, all these are packed into an apk archive that can go to Google Play store, and eventually your users' screens:

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